Rosenberger to Peano

Idiom Neutral

Alpnach-Dorf 4 yuli 1909
Pension Trautheim

Sinior direktor estimed!

Sekuantu mie promet mi mit a vo traduksion in I.N. e in I.N. reformed de votr eksempli su pag. 83-86 de votr Vocabulario.

If vo skrib a mi u if vo aut veni, vo truv mi in adres indiked superiore. Kuande mi mutero adres, mi avisero vo.

Kuande vo veniero a Suissia[1] mi preg preveniar mi suetempe a fini ke noi truv unotre.

Ko saluti kordial in sper[2] visar vo persone mi rest votr serv leplu devot

W. Rosenberger

Lingu anglik

Alpnach-Dorf 4 July 1909
Pension Trautheim

Esteemed director!

Following my promise, I am sending you a translation in Idiom Neutral and reformed Idiom Neutral of your examples on pp. 83-86 of your Vocabulario.

If you are writing to me or if you yourself are coming, you will find me in the address indicated above. When I change my address, I will inform you.

When you come to Switzerland I ask you give fair warning early enough so that we find one another. 

With cordial salutations in hope of seeing you in person, I remain your most devoted servant

W. Rosenberger


[1] This is the Reform-Neutral word for Switzerland. In Idiom Neutral (1902), it is given as Helvetia; in the 1906 Suplement, as Suisia.
[2] This perhaps should read esper.