Rosenberger to Peano

Idiom Neutral

14/27 mai 1909

A s. prof. G. Peano in Turin

Sinior direktor estimed!

Mi av resived votr postkart d. 10 V e letr d. 20 V. Mersi!

Relativu votr artikl pro komens de Diurnal Akademian mi deb fasiar noti sekuant:

Nom „Weltspracheakademie” es aparav primfoa no 1902, ma ya 1887 in N78 de Vpabled de Schleyer in kel il propos krear akademi; sie artikl es in 2 lingui, in l. german („Weltspracheakademie”) e in Vp. („Kadem volapüka”); — e ist akademie esav funded posteriore in kongres de München in aug. 1887. Anui setr es korekt. 

Idiom Neutral esav adopted ankor in artikli de „K. de Mal”[1] (pseudonim) nomed „Letri da Rusia” publiked in 4 numri de gaset de Antewerpen „Le Nouveau Précurseur” datu 17/18 yanuar, 4 februar, 14/15 febr e 21/22 mars 1903 (visa sirkular de s. Holmes N71). Ist seri de letri esav interumped e aparasion sesav kausu maladitet e mort de s. Diereks in Antwerpen, koredaktor de gaset nomed.

Mi aprob totale temi pro studi, ma mi no komprend, da kel font vo av 200 franki pro konkurs. — Relativu tekst pro konkurs mi deb notar, ke mi no komprend bene sens de paroli „pour association au journal”; tekause mi no potes tradukar ist fras in lingu german e rus e mi no poteserio konkursar partisipar in konkurs. — It sembl mi, ke problem deb esar presis. P.e., mi skriberio in I.N. „Mi mit kontribuad de 10 franki kuale membr korespondent[2] de Akademi I. de L.U.”, if it es fiksed, ke membri–kor. pay 10 franki pro anu. Anteriore istkos deb esar fiksed. Eske vo volu, ke membr–korespondenti pay yuste tant, kuant membri efektiv, i.e. 10 franki? Eske vo no desir ankor grup ters, i.e. abonenti,[3] keli no es membri, i.e., keli no partisip in labori skribadik, ma keli volu sole lektar nostr diurnal? Eske tal personi deb payar et 10 franki? Eske ist sum no esero tro grand?

Vo shersh kolaboratori pro diurnal. Mi pens, ke kolaboratori de „Kor. Int.” de Miller esero kolaboratori de nostr diurnal.

Vo skrib in votr kart d. 10 V, ke vo av intension fasiar membri de Ak. partisipar in defisit eventual de edision de diurnal. Mi no potes aprobar istkos. Mi persone no partisipero in defisit e mi dubi, ke direktorad de Akademi av yur demandar tal partisipasion. 

Relativu membri augmentasion de numr de membri, mi konsent totale e mi propos kuale membr nov s. J. Meysmans, direktor de Institut National de Stenografia in Brussel, 27 Place St. Gudule. Mi esper, ke il akspektero selektasion eventual e mi rekomend a vo pregar sie curriculum vitae. 

[— Mi no konos s. prof. Korselt in Plauen.]

Obstakl minim pro selektasion de s. Meysmans es, ke, sekuantu §28 de Regulativi (= §4 de statuti), Belgia potes avar sole un akademian, durante ke it av ya du akademiani (s. Monseur esav selekted sekuantu §6 de statuti, kuale person multe meritos). Posible et s. Meysmans potes esar estimed kuale multe meritos.

Ko plesir mi dis-mitero numr prim de diurnal (u prospekt[4] de it) a interesenti[5] in Rusia. Et in Germania. 

Ko plesir mi mitero artikl pro numr prim de diurnal, e nome artikl ko kombinasion nov pro pronunsiasion de konsonanti kaprisios[6] (materi multe nefasil) in form de tabel ko eksempli. 

Lundi, 18/31 mai, mi devoyajero a Suisia pro tri mensi. Mie adres esero: Sanatorium Friedenfels (Rammelmeyer) bei Sarnen (Schweiz, Suisse). — Eske vo no esero in Suisia durantu termotemp? Mi eserio multe kontent visar vo.

Mi av preged ya votr portret, ma vo no ankor mitav it. Mi repet mie preg.

Ko saluti respektos votr serv leplu devot


 Mi propos ankor kuale akademian pro Germania s. prof. dr. H. Molenaar in Kochel a. S., Bavaria. — R.

Lingu anglik

14/27 May 1909

To prof. G. Peano in Turin

Esteemed director!

I have received your postcard dated 10 May and the letter dated 20 May. Thank you!

Regarding your article for the commencement of the Academic Journal (Journal of the Academy), I must make the following notes:

The name “Weltspracheakademie” appeared for the first time not in 1902, but had already appeared in 1902 in №78 of the Volapükabled of Schleyer in which he proposes to create an academy; his article is in two language, in German (“Weltspracheakademie”) and in Volapük (“Kadem volapüka”); — and this academy was founded afterwards in the München Congress of August 1887. The remaining years are correct.

Idiom Neutral was even adopted in the articles of “K. de Mal” (pseudonym) named “Letters from Russia” published in four issues of Antwerp's gazette “Le Nouveau Précurseur” dated 17/18 January, 4 February, 14/15 February and 21/22 March 1903 (see Holmes' circular №71). This series of letters were interrupted and their appearance ceased because of the illness and death of Mr. Diereks in Antwept, co-editor of the named gazette.

I approve totally the themes for study, but I do not understand from what source you have 200 franks for the competition. — Regarding the texts for the competition, I should note that I do not understand well the sense of the words: “pour association au journal”; therefore, I cannot translate this sentence into German and Russian and I would not be able to participate in the copetition. — It seems to me that the task must be precise. For example, I would write in Idiom Neutral: “I am sending a contribution of 10 franks as a corresponding member of the International Academy of the Universal Language”, if it is fixed that corresponding members pay 10 franks per year. Previously this has (had to?) be fixed. Do you want corresponding members to pay the same amount as effective members, i.e. 10 franks? Do you not want yet a third group, i.e. subscribers, who are not members, i.e., who do not participate in written works, but who want only to read our journal? Must such persons pay also 10 franks? Is this amount not going to be too large?

You are seeking collaborators for your journal. I think that the collaborators of Miller's “Kor. Int.” (Korespondens International) will be collaborators of our journal.

You write in your postcard dated 10 may that you have the intention to make members of the Academy participate in a possible deficit in publishing the journal. I cannot approve this. I personally will not participate in a deficit and I doubt that the directorate of the Academy has the right to demand such participation.

Regarding the augmentation of member numbers, I agree totally and I propose as a new member Mr. J. Meysmans, director of the National Institute of Stenography in Brussels, 27 Place St. Gudule. I hope that he will accept a potential election and I recommend that you ask for his curriculum vitae.

[— I am not acquainted with Prof. Korselt in Plauen.]

A small obstacle for the election of Mr. Meysmans is that according to §28 of the Regulativi (=§4 of the statutes), Belgium can have only one academician, while it already has two academicians (Mr. Monseur was elected according to §6 of the statutes, as a very meritorious person). Possibly also Mr. Meysmans can be esteemed as very meritorious. 

With pleasure I am dispatching the first issue of the journal (or a booklet of it) to those interesed in Russia. Also in Germany.

With pleasure, I will send an article for the first issue of the journal, namely an article with a new combination (structure?) for the capricious (?) consonants (a very difficult matter) in the form of a table with examples.

On Monday, 18/31 May, I will set out on a journey to Switzerland for three months. My address will be: Sanatorium Friedenfels (Rammelmeyer) by Sarnen (Switzerland). — Will you not be in Switzerland during spring? I will be very happy to see you.

I have already requested your portrait, but you have not yet sent it. I repeat my request.

With respectful salutations your most devoted servant


I propose still as the academician for Germany, Prof. Molenaar in Kochel am See, Bavaria. — R. 


[1] K. de Mal” appears to be a play on the Volapük word kademal (academician).
[2] Korespondent is not in the Idiom Neutral (1902) dictionary; if formed in the normal way, it would be korespondant. In Reform-Neutral, we have the form correspondent.
[3] The form abonent (“subscriber”) is not attested in the Idiom Neutral (1902) dictionary, where it rather appears as abonant. In Reform-Neutral (1912), it comes to be written abonnent.
[4] The word prospekt is not in the Idiom Neutral (1902) dictionary, but does appear as prospectus in the Reform-Neutral (1912) dictionary, where it is given the meaning “prospectus”. In this case, we might assume it to be a booklet or pamphlet perhaps outlining the contents or giving a summary of the first issue of the journal.
[5] Again, Reform-Neutral (or at least the Reform-Neutral of 1910) adopts this with the -ent ending. In Idiom Neutral, this would be interesanti.
[6] Kaprisios is the form which will eventually be used in Reform-Neutral (capricios), but in the Idiom Neutral (1902) dictionary, it is given as kaprisos.