Rosenberger to Peano

Idiom Neutral

20 mars/2 april 1909.

A s. prof. G. Peano in Turin

Sinior direktor multe estimed!

Ko gaudi mi aprend eks votr kart ke vo viktim magnanime 200 franki pro transaksioni de Akademi de Lingu Universal sekuantu eksempl, doned per Wahl, e mi esper, ke noi truvero ankor imitatori. Relativu mi personale, mi deb demandar pardon, ke mi no partisipero in grup nobl de Maeceni; mi avav ya okasioni mult pro viktimi favoru L. U. e tal okasioni aveniero ankor probable, ma in ist moment mi no potes it: yuste sitempe mi av prended dimitasion e pension esero sole semiad de salar ultim, tale ke mie stand finansik es sufise febl. — if noi truvero 1000 franki, mi propos entreprenar diurnal plu modest. 

Ko respekt grand e saluti kordial votr admirator leplu devot


Mersiad grand pro „Vocabulario commun”! R.
Eske vo retromitero a mi letri de Wahl e de Molenaar? R.

Lingu anglik

20 March/2 April 1909

To prof. G. Peano in Turin

Much esteemed director!

With joy I learn from your postcard that you have magnanimously offered up 200 Franks for the transactions of the Academy of the Universal Language following the example given by Wahl, and I hope that we will yet find imitators. Regarding me personally, I must ask for forgiveness that I will not participate in this noble group of Maeceni; I have already had many opportunities for offerings in favour of the Universal Language and such opportunities will probably still happen, but at this moment I cannot: just now I have taken redundancy and the pension will only be half of the recent salary, such that my financial state is rather weak. — If we find 1000 Franks, I propose undertaking a more humble journal.

With great respect and cordial salutations, your most devoted admirer


Many thanks for “Vocabulario commun”! R.
Will you send back the letters of Wahl and Molenaar to me? R.