Rosenberger to Peano

Rosenberger states that this letter is written in “Reform Neutral”. However, it is different from the Reform-Neutral of 1912 in several ways: there appear to be at least two types of infinitive (one in -er and one in -ar), an imperfect which ends -ev instead of -av; the use of the letter z in place of c, e.g. comenzer for 1912's commenciar; pluralisation of -a words in -e, e.g. lingua (sg), lingue (pl), instead of regularly derived -i plurals, e.g. lingue (sg), lingui (pl) in Reform-Neutral. 

Reform Neutral de 1909

8/21 mars 1909

A s. prof. G. Peano in Turin

Sinior director multe estimed!

Ya longtémpore mi sente necessitet scriber a vo, ma mi no pote decider, qué mi debe scriber. Question di jurnal grand de Academia International de Lingua Universal es quasi in mie manui e mi no pote resolver it. Ce accide probablemente per-ce-que mi no conosse omni circumstanzi de ist afer: vo no av scribed a mi, esque Bonto pote esser redactor u no; il esseré multe convenabl si il es sufisante san. [12/25 februar mi av peted s. B. avisar mi, qué il pense di jurnal, projected per vo, e di „Idéi International”, ma respond manque usque nu; probablemente il no es sufisante san; it es multe regretabl!] Vo no av scribed a mi resultat de votr correspondenz co prof. Couturat relativu fusion del du Academie, — [jurnal de prof. Couturat „Progreso” es jurnal grand e possible on pote esperer, que it deveniera libr,[x] in quel casu it es inutil creer jurnal nov]. Mi no es sufisante instrued relativu manier, projected per vo, continuer labori de Academia [Jurnal „Korespondens Internasional” red. Miller, quel vo av caracterised quale leplu bon, eguale jurnal „Linguist” 1896 & 1897, av doned solemente cert serii de propositioni co tant opinioni quant collaboratori], ni relativu flanc finanzial de ist entrepend [mi av scribed ya a vo 12/25 februar, que mie-opinione Academia nu no pote publiquer jurnal grand, per-ce-que sie jurnal, quale esoteric, no truverá circl grand de abonenti; per ist caus noi deberá editer jurnal modest correspondent a nostr forzi no solement finanziale ma generale. P.e. mi pens, que noi no debe editer jurnal periodic[a], ma „Acti de Academia I. del L.U.”, apparent sequentu in témpor e in volúmin, queli dependerá da necessitet e da possiblitet finanzial, — quale mie 45 circulari 1893–98, i.e. c. 8–10 circulari u numri u fasciculi in annu. „Acti” ofisial debe contener du sub partii a) administrativ,[b] i.e. concernent questioni personal, finanzial etc b) linguistical. Ist ultim contenera α) sub-parti oficial,[b] if si vo avera alcun comunication, — si no, ist sub-parti reste vacu β) sub-parti inoficial, quel contenerá articuli de membr (academiciani) activ e de membri–correspondenti in lingue divers; decision, esque alcun articul presented pro publication debe esser accepted u no, dependera da vo (u, si vo vole, da comitet de Academia u da cert comission, ma ce compliquerá administration); articuli accepted esserá publiqued in succession dependent da lor arrivation u da votr decision, ma ili pote esser imprimed plu bontémpore, si autor paye costi de impression u parti de ili. — Si noi procederá in tal manier, Academia risque nil. Membri activ pay 10 franqui sequentu §20 de statuti; payement de membri–correspondenti debe esser fixed (mi pens per Komitet de Academia u, ancor plu bene, per Academia total), — egualement payement de protectori, queli desire reciver Acti Academian (Protectori [§26 de Regulativi] no es abonenti, ma ili no essev nomed abonenti per-ce-que Academia no avev jurnal periodic; mi propone conserver ist nómin, ma fixer payement plu grand, si „Acti de Academia” esserá plu grand qua Circulari usque nu).

Mi estime quale mie deb, comuniquer a vo, qué s.s. Molenaar e Wahl scribe a mi relativu publication de jurnal de Academia, e mi mitte a vo lor letri original datu 3 februar e 13/26 februar 1909, queli mi pete retromitter po quande vo no plu averá necessitet.

In 27 febr/12 mars mi av lected raport di „Motion Universallingual” in section pro art e scienz de Sosietet German pro Cultur e Succurs. Probable ist raport aparerá in St Peterburger Zeitung. In tal casu mi mitterá it a vo.

Causu prov mi scribe ist letr in Reform Neutral, projected in numri 11, 15, 16 e 18 de Progres. Espere vo comprende it. 

Co saluti respectos mi reste votr serv leplu devot — V. Rosenberger

P.S. ad letr d. 8/21 mars 1909. — 9/22 mars 1909

Ante expedition de mie letr mi co letri de Molenaar e Wahl, mi lectev ancor unvolte ist du letri e mi debe adjuncter, que calculationi de ist du siniori no place mi; calculation de Molenaar es fals, quale s. de Wahl prufe, ma calculation de Wahl es tro optimist, e it es based su debti. Ce no place mi. 

Ecce calculation plu real, quel mi propone efectuer. „Acti de Academia”[c] appare in format de „Progres” in fasciculi de 16 e de 8 pagini, de queli prim coste, si it es imprimed in tipografia de Academia de Scienzi in St. Petersburg, c. 45 rubli = 120 franqui e secund — c. 60 fr.[d]

Academia publique, que it editera sue Acti in fasciculi 6–8 fasciculi de 8–16 pagini in annu.[e] Supponeam, que Academia publique facte 6 fasciculi, de queli 4 fasciculi es grand e du es minim: Impression costera 4 × 120 + 2 × 60 = 600 franqui. 

Otr-flanque Academia avera:

Contributioni de c. 15 academiciani a 10 franqui — 150 fr.
Contributioni de c. 10 membri-correspondenti a 8 fr. — 80 fr.
Contributioni de c. 50 protectori (abonenti) a 5 fr. — 50 fr.
Pro anuncii in Acti de Ac. — circa 50 fr.
Deficit: Ex cass de Academia — 70 fr.
Summ — 600 fr.

Mi pense, que tal budget es efectuebl e mi propone comenzer pobreve sie efectuation. 

Vo subscribe parti oficial. Vo es redactor de parti oficial linguistical u mi pote redacter ist parti (quale s. de Wahl propone) ma sequentu votr indicationi. Ist parti es contrasigned per vicedirector. Parti administrativ es contrasigned per secretar nomined per vo — pro questioni personal, e per casser nomined per vo[f] — pro questioni de cass. — Parti inoficial es redacted per s. de Wahl in Reval.

Programm es parat! Roli distribued! Esque vo aprobe?

Mi debe adjuncter ancor quelc paroli de 22 (!) membri de Academia, nomed in list de circular N95. 

1. Act es multe povr. Si it es possibl Komitet de Ac. debe dispenser il da payement. — 2. In IX 1908 mi avev adressed circular a s. Brt.; it retroveniev co not del post. „Si respinge sconoscinto al Tribunale.” — 8. Hf noquande av responded in labori de Academi e prov-numr de „Progres” essev retromited co not: „Unbekannt”. — 10. Hb no av monstred interess pro L.U. in annui ultim. — 14. OJ anque. — 15. Pnt av scribed a mi, que il abandone Academia a adherer a Délegation. — 19. Sl av nu adres sequent: Riga, Russia; Marshallstr. 3. — 20. Vb no es in Wageningen; cert letr retroveniev.

Mi esper, que vo truvera pobreve tempor libr pro labori favoru L.U.

Saluti cordial e respectos! 

Mittea mi, mi pete, votr portret! — R.

El 15 januar de omni annu es termin pro payement de contributioni de membri de Academia, ma cassero on exist. Vo debe nominer probreve a) sekretar e b) cassero e publiquer lor nomini e adresi. Acti de Academia” debe comenzer mediu ist comunication. E votr circular prim debe esser imprimed in numr 1 (96) de „Acti”, e nome co parti administrativ. 

[a] Prof Kerckhoffs, director prim avav j. periodic, ma il no potev mantener perioditet.
[b] in lingua de Academia, i.e. nu in Idiom Neutral usque Academia avera muted it.
[c] Quande mi deveniev director de A. mi volev anque editar jurnal e mi nominev it „Vobs [labori] Kadema Bevünetik Volapüka”, ma mi debev muter it a caus de difficultati censural Russian de el tempor. „Vobs Kadema” [= Sirkular N3a] apparev sole unvolte, un fascicul.
[d] Progres-numr normal de 8 pagini coste: 

[e] Ulteriore Academia avera sine dubi quelc articuli payed per autori.
[f] S. Oscar Serck essev secretar-casser, ma il no essev membr de Academia! Proponea person convenabl in Turin! u otrloc. 

Lingu anglik

8/21 March 1909

To Prof. G. Peano in Turin

Much esteemed director!

For a long time I have felt the need to write to you, but I cannot decide what I should write. The question of a large journal of the International Academy of the Universal Language is almost in my hands and I cannot resolve it. This is probably happening because I do not know all the circumstances of this affair: you have not written to me about whether Bonto can be the editor or not; he would be very suitable if he is sufficiently healthy. [On the 12/25 February I asked Mr. B. to let me know what he thinks about the journal, planned out by you, and about “Idéi International”, but so far there is no response; he is probably not well enough; it is very regretable!] You have not written to me the result of your correspondance with Prof. Couturat regarding the fusion of the two academies, — [the journal of Prof. Couturat “Progreso” is a large journal and possibly one can hope that it will become free, in which case it is useless to create a new journal]. I am not sufficiently instructed regarding the manner, planned by you, of continuing the works of the Academy [the journal “Korespondens Internasional”, editor Miller, which you have characterised as the best, as well as the journal “Linguist” 1896 & 1897, have given only certain series of propositions with as many opinions as collaborators], nor regarding the financial side of this enterprise [I already wrote to you on the 12/25 February that in my opinion the Academy now cannot publish a large journal, because its journal, like an esoteric one (?), will not find a large circle of subscribers; because of this, we will have to publish a modest journal corresponding to our strengths, not only financial, but generally. E.g. I think that we must not publish a periodic[a] journal, but “Acti de Academia I. del L.U.”, appearing in time and quantity which will depend on need and financial possibility, — like my 45 circulars 1893–98, i.e. around 8–10 circulars, issues or fascicules a year. The “Acti” should contain two parts a) administrative,[b] i.e. concerning person questions, financial etc and b) linguistic. This last one will contain α) an official subpart,[b] if you will have any communication, — if not, this subpart remains empty β) an unofficial part, which will contain articles of the active members (academicians) and of corresponding members in diverse languages; the decision whether any article presented for publication should be accepted or not will depend on you (or, if you want, on the commitee of the Academy or on a certain commission, but this will complicate the administration); accept articles will be published in succession depending on their arriving or on your decision, but they can be printed earlier if the author pays the costs of printing or part of them. — If we will proceed in such a manner, the Academy risks nothing. Active members pay 10 Franks according to §20 of the statutes; payment of the corresponding members should be fixed (I think by the Committee of the Academy or, still better, by the whole Academy), — likewise, the payment of the supporters who want to receive the Acts of the Academy (Supporters [§26 of Regulativi] are subscribers, but they were not named subscribers because the Academy did not have a periodic journal; I propose to keep this name, but to fix a larger payment if the “Acti de Academia” will be more than the Circulars so far). 

I regard it as my duty to communicate to you that Messrs. Molennar and Wahl are writing to me regarding the publication of the Academy's journal, and I am sending to you their original letters dated 3 February and 13/26 February 1909, which I ask you send back when you no longer need them. 

On 27 February/12 March, I have read a report about the “Motion Universallingual” in the section for art and science of the German Society for Culture and Aid. This report will probably appear in St Peterburger Zeitung. In such a case I will send it to you. 

For the sake of proof, I am writing this letter in Reform Neutral, sketched in issues 11, 15, 16 and 18 of Progres. Hopefully you understand it.

With respectful salutations I remin your most devoted servant — V. Rosenberger

P.S. to the letter dated 8/21 Mars 1909. — 9/22 Mars 1909

Before the dispatch of my letter with the letters of Molenaar and Wahl, I read once again these two letters and I should add that the calculation of these two gentlemen do not please me; Molenaar's calculation is false, as Mr. de Wahl proves, but de Wahl's calculation is too optimistic, and it is based on debts. This doesn't please me. 

Here is the more realistic calculation which I propose to effect. The “Acti de Academia[c] appear in the format of “Progres” in fascicules of 16 and 8 pages, of which the first costs, if it is printed in the printer's office of the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, c. 45 rubli = 120 franks and the second — c. 60 franks.[d]

The Academy is making known that it will publish its Acti in 6–8 fascicules of 8–16 pages every year.[e] Let us suppose that the Academy in fact publishes 6 fascicules of which four are large and two are small: the printing will cost 4 × 120 + 2 × 60 = 600 franks.

 On the other hand, the Academy will have:

Contributions of c. 15 academicians at 10 franks — 150 franks.
Contributions of c. 10 corresponding members at 8 franks. — 80 franks.
Contributions of c. 50 supporters (subscribers) at 5 franks. — 50 franks.
For announcements in Acti de Ac. — circa 50 franks.
Deficit: from the cashbox of the Academy — 70 franks.
Total — 600 franks.

I think that such a budget is able to be effected and I propose to commense it shortly.

You undersign the official part. You are the editor of the offical linguistic part and I can edit this part (as Mr. de Wahl proposes), but according to your specifications). This part is countersigned by the vicedirector. The administrative part is countersigned by the secretary named by you — for personal business and by the treasurer named by you[f] — for the business of funding. The unofficial part is edited by Mr. de Wahl in Reval. 

The programme is ready! The roles are distributed! Do you approve?

I must add yet some words about the 22 (!) members of the Academy, named in the list of circular №95.

1. Act is very poor. If it is possible, the Committe of the Academy should excuse him from payment. — 2. In September 1908 I had addressed a circular to Mr. Brt.; it was returned with a postal note: “Si respinge sconoscinto al Tribunale.” — 8. Hf never responded in the Academy's labours and the proof of “Progres” was returned with the note “Unbekannt” — 10. Hb has not shown interest in the Universal Language in recent years. — 14. OJ also. — 15. Pnt has written to me that he is leaving the Academy to join the Délégation. — 19. Sl now has the following address: Riga, Russia; Marshallstr. 3. — 20. Vb is not in Wageningen; a certain letter was returned.

I hope that you will soon find free time for labours in favour of the Universal Language. 

Cordial and respectful salutations!

I ask you send me your portrait! — R.

The 15th January of each year is the deadline for payment of the contributions of the Academy's members, but there is no treasurer. Soon you must name a) a secretary and b) a treasurer and publish their names and addresses. “Acti de Academia” must begin with this communication. And your first circular must be printed in issue 1 (96) of “Acts”, namely with the administrative part.

[a] Prof. Kerckhoffs, the first director, had a periodic journal, but he was not able to maintain periodicity.  
[b] in the language of the Academy, i.e. now in Idiom Neutral until the Academy changes it.
[c] When I became director of the Academy, I also wanted to publish a journal and I named it “Vobs [labori] Kadema Bevünetik Volapüka”, but I had to change it on account of the Russian censural difficulties of that time. “Vobs Kadema” [= circular 3a] appeared only once, one fascicule.
[d] A normal issue of Progres of 8 pages costs

[e] Furthermore, the Academy will without doubt have some articles payed for by the authors.
[f] Mr. Oscar Serck was secretary-treaturer, but he was not a member of the Academy! Propose a suitable person in Turin! or somewhere else