Rosenberger to Peano

Idiom Neutral

19 august/1 sept. 1908

A s. prof. G. Peano temporare in Heidelberg.

Sinior multe estimed!

Yuste mi reveni da kampestrad a urb e mi truv votr kart datu 25 august. 

Mi hast respondar, ke sirkular ultim (N93) de direktor de Akademi Internasional de Lingu Universal esav dated 11 mai (ma resived siloke 7 yuli)[a]; probable vo konos ist sirkular, in kel vo es proposed kuale kandidat sol pro ofis de direktor pro kuinkanuad sekuant. Sine dubi vo es selekted, ma sirkulari de s. Holmes apar in anui ultim[1] multe multe rare e multe lente.

Mi no ankor av resived komunikasion di selektasion, ma mi konos, ke akademiani, da keli mi av korespondensi in temp ultim, omnii esav multe gaudios, ke vo no av refused akseptar selektasion eventual. Mi esper, ke future labori de Akademi andero multe plu velose ka in anui ultim.

Sukses bon in Heidelberg! Salut respektos e kordial a s. prof. Couturat da votr serv leplu devot


Adresa a mi sempre: St. Petersburg V. O. Bolshoy 5!

[a] Mi mit a Heidelb. sirkular N93 e Progres N16 ko not di Akademi. R.

Lingu anglik

19 August/1 September 1908

To Prof. G. Peano temporarily in Heidelberg.

Much esteemed sir!

Just now I am returning from the country to the city and finding your postcard dated 25 August. 

I hasten to respond that the last circular (№93) of the director of the International Academy of the Universal Language was dated 11 May (but received here 7 July)[a]; you are probably aware of this circular in which you are proposed as the only candidate for the office of director for the next five-year term. Without a doubt, you are selected, but the circulars of Mr. Holmes are appearing in recent years very, very rarely and very slowly.

I have not yet received communication about the election, but I know that the academicians from whom I recently have correspondances, all were very joyful that you have not refused to accept the potential election. I hope that in the future the Academy's work will go much faster than in recent years.

Good success in Heidelberg! With a respectful and cordial salutation to Prof. Couturat from your most devoted servant


 Address [mail] to me always: St. Petersburg V. O. Bolshoy 5.

[a] I am sending circular №93 and Progres №16 to Heidelberg with a note about the Academy. R. 


[1] Though ultim can be translated “last”, in certain phrases it is better rendered “recent” as in in temp ultim (lit. in the last time), which is more properly rendered recently or of late (cf. German in der letzten Zeit, Fr. dernièrement).