Bonto to Peano

Idiom Neutral

Bruxelles, 31 yuli 1906.
r. Hobbema 73.

Sinior G. Peano, Torino

Ekce[1] artikl kel deb introdukar “Idei international” in mund. Fakta[2] votr observationi. If posibl mi aplikero[3] ili. Vo deb konstatar ke kelk frasi av esed derived da votr skribadi.

Mi av nesesitet de metod[4] simpl pro transkription[5] de karakteri rus.[6] Mi poses libri keli permit mi lektar el karakteri, ma ili no don metod de transkription, kel mi am posesar a potesar aplikar — if necesar — in revu. Probable vo es kapabl indikar kelk kos. Merci avanse.

W. Bonto v. B.

Lingu anglik

Brussels, 31 July 1906.
r. Hobbema 73.

Mr. G. Peano, Torino

Here is the article which should introduce “Idei international” into the world. Make your observations. If possible, I will implement them. You should detect that some sentences have been derived from your writings. 

I need a simple method for transcribing Russian characters. I have books which allow me to read those characters, but they do not give a method of transcription which I [would] like to have to be able to implement [it] — if needed — in the periodical. You are probably able to point something out. Thank you in advance.

W. Bonto v. B.


[1] Ekse in Idiom Neutral from 1902 (later becoming ecco in Reform-Neutral).
[2] Fakta presupposes a root faktar, which is not found in the 1902 dictionary. The standard root for “to do, make” is fasiar; in Reform-Neutral this becomes faciar.
[3] The root aplikar is not in the 1902 dictionary, but it does come to be used in Reform-Neutral (1912) as applicar. The equivalent German verbs — anwenden and gebrauchen — are simply given as usar (to use).
[4] This word is not in the 1902 dictionary, but is used later in Reform-Neutral (1912). In the Idiom Neutral of 1902, one might use prosed (procedure, process) or medi (means, medium) to convey the idea of a method.
[5] De-skribasion (deskribasion) in Idiom Neutral (1902).
[6] The 1902 form here would be rusik (relating to the Russian language); however, see Suplement a Diksionar res. 144.