
Play hard and play fair

Dear NephroWorldCup Players,

Welcome to NephroWorldCup 2022. New to the 2022 Tournament is our use of innovative communication tools to convey the science to you, regardless of your background. We’re making a large commitment towards effective scientific communication by combining these 3 essential attributes into all our communication methods: accuracy, thoroughness, and efficiency.

Please review our recommendations for Sports(wo)manship. Adhering to this code ensures that all players have a fun and educational experience in a safe and learning-conducive environment.

Respect the purpose and objective of The Tournament and its players

The NephroWorldCup is an academic venture. It’s a unique gamified learning experience that combines science and sport. Everyone involved in the development, design, and implementation of The Tournament has done their best to bring you a fun and educationally valuable game. Keep your comments constructive and pragmatic so that we can improve The Tournament for an even better experience the next time.

Don’t use NephroWorldCup Twitter hashtags, FB page or the WhatsApp group just to send memes, videos, pictures and news

We use games like the NephroWorldCup to make learning about CVRM science a fun learning experience. We welcome your productive and sincere engagement in all our social platforms. It's important that you keep your involvement focused on the science. Name-calling, 'trash talking', and the like isn't helpful, educational, or appreciated.

If you feel uncomfortable in a group for any reason, feel free to leave or “mute” the notifications

We will try our best to moderate the conversations in each of our social platforms. However, we won't be able to moderate every comment that is posted. If you're not enjoying your experience in any of our platforms, feel free to let us know what is bothering you and to exit the platform.

Before sending a complaint to the group, send it to us first

We will do our best to address all complaints. In general, it's better for you to directly communicate with the NephroWorldCup Organizing Committee first rather than posting your concern in a public forum. Discretion gives us the benefit of the doubt and we certainly appreciate that.

Don’t become angry if someone doesn’t respond to your messages

Bringing you The NephroWorldCup takes a lot of time and effort. It's possible that we may not respond to your concern in a timely manner. We aren't ignoring you. We're just allocating our limited resources to ensure that The Tournament continues uninterrupted and gives our players (including you) a seamless and fluid learning experience.

Do not post content pertaining to politics or religion.

It's best to avoid intentional agitation. Players of the NephroWorldCup want to learn and have fun. Think twice before posting your comments in any of our social forums. If you're unsure how your message will be perceived, it would be wise to check with someone else or pause your interaction until some time has passed.