Frequently Asked Questions

What's unique about the NephroWorldCup?

A lot.

  1. NephroWorldCup is an internationally-focused educational experience. You'll learn about CVRM science from around the globe - information that you wouldn't otherwise see in your daily work life.

  2. CVRM! The Tournament is focused on more than Nephrology. We combine cardiovascular, renal, and metabolic disease medicine into one gamified experience.

  3. Prizes. We're offering valuable prizes to keep your learning going even after The Tournament is over.

  4. Artificial intelligence. The NephroWorldCup is powered by 40+ natively programmed scripts/codes. These codes give you the latest updates in realtime and deep insights into your performance against your peers. It's code written by HCPs for HCPs.

  5. Scouting Reports that pack a lot of information in a small footprint. Our Reports are designed to achieve high-information density; this gives you an efficient mechanism to learn CVRM science as fast as possible.

  6. You drive The Tournament. The winners and matches are determined by your votes. Take your passion for CVRM science and translate that into a victory for a team and points for yourself by casting votes. It's the ultimate in learner-driven education.

I can't register to play

You need an email address in order to register to Play. Don't forget that you need to register by a certain time period.

Is the website compatible with mobile devices?

Yup. Everything is mobile-friendly.

Can I make changes to my selections after registering?

No. Once you submit your selections, you are locked in for the remainder of the tournament. You can create a new Player account with new selections, or you can join your colleagues and create a group account with new selections. Each account (group or individual) must have its own email address.

Is there a printer-friendly list of teams that I can have?

No. We are environmentally-friendly and have placed everything online. ♻️

How much does it cost to create a Player account?

It's free.

When are the team results and player points updated?

Player points are updated after matches take place. -- you can find player point totals in the Dashboard.

Team results are updated on a schedule that mirrors the FIFA World Cup matches. Dates and times of each update will be posted on this website and the Players Forums.

How are matches adjudicated? Who decides which team wins?

The entire Nephrology community votes on the matches in the Knockout Rounds (Quarterfinals and Semifinals), the Third Place and Championship Matches. So it helps for you to share your scientific perspective with the entire kidney community to help your team win and advance. All voting happens on this website.

How do I use the Scoring Sheet?

When you click the link, you will be asked to make a copy of the Scoring Sheet. Click OK so that you can start adding your selections. Selections can be made using the drop-down you won't have to type the team names. Just follow the online prompts to make your selections.

Remember, making selection on the scoring sheet will NOT register you for the tournament. You need to take those selections and transfer them onto the official registration page.

Why do I need to make a copy of the Scoring Sheet?

A couple of reasons:

  1. If you copy the Scoring Sheet, you can save your selections in case you cannot make all your choices in one sitting/at one time. You can revisit your personalized copy of the Scoring Sheet when time permits and pick up right where you left off.

  2. The Scoring Sheet is coded so that you don't have to type or copy-paste your selections. We don't want anyone, accidentally, to erase the code for future players (like yourself).

Who are the funders and/or sponsors for the NephroWorldCup?

The NephroWorldCup is created by an independent group of dedicated educators. We maintain our independence so that we can bring you the most unbiased educational experience possible. We don't collect fees or donations and don't sell you stuff (merch or swag) to fund our operations. It's all done gratis for the greater goal of learning and having fun.

We have partnered with three leading CVRM societies to bring you some pretty cool prizes.

I'm not a nephrologist or in the nephrology space. Can I play?

Can you play? Can. You. Play? Oh yeah!

And you might win!


Special thanks to: Basu Gopal (@BasuNephro | Carlos Cortes (@Kidney_wiz) | Hector Madariaga (@hecmagsMD) | Omar Taco (@ErrantNephron) | Rolando Claure (@RClaure_nefro) | Siva Sridharan (@sayItMyWay) | Xavier Vela (@xaviervel) | Didem Turgut (@didemturgut_) | Edgar Lerma (@edgarvlermamd | Sonia Rodriguez (@sonia_rgzr) | B. Karthikeyan (@karthikeyan_doc) | MC Arbatin (@mcamd) | Tejas Desai (@nephondemand)
Additional thanks to: Zoran Paunic (@unicipa) | Szymon Brzosko (@brzoskos) | Florian Buchkremer (@swissnephro) | Dominique Guerrot (@dguerrot)
Thanks to all the expert commentators whose dedication to CVRM education enhanced this Tournament
Our sincerest appreciation to the ASN, ERA, and ESOT (alphabetical order) for their support and generosity in gifting some kick-a$$ prizes

Content by Xavier Vela (@xaviervel) and Tejas Desai (@nephondemand)Data, modeling, and analyses by Tejas Desai (@nephondemand) and NOD Analytics (@NODanalytics)NephroWorldCup conceived by Xavier Vela (@xaviervel) and Tejas Desai (@nephondemand)