Visual Supports

Visual supports are an environmental support that accommodates the need for predictability and decreases anxiety about the unknown. Visual supports can take abstract concepts such as time and present it in a more concrete and manageable form using words and/or pictures. This section includes reviews of 10 environmental support strategies designed to accommodate needs in these areas, (a) visual schedules, (b) task cards, (c) people locators, (d) boundary settings, (e) labels, (f) lists, (g) graphic organizers, (h) reminder cards, (i) travel card strategy, and (j) home base card. Review the pages on visual supports for ideas to create visual schedules of reinforcement, behavior reminders, cue cards and more.

Example of a Schedule of Reinforcement: Provide a small card with places to velcro stickers and a picture of a reinforcer. When the card is full the child is done working and gets her reinforcer.