Structured Play Boxes

These items are examples of how play skills were taught to students by structuring the items. The goal of using structured play boxes is to teach students how to engage with toys appropriately through direct instruction.

Things to keep in mind as you create the tasks

1. Visual organization of task provides information about what work and how much work to do

2. Student understands what to do

3. Student will engage with the item in the natural environment once taught

Structured play with doll. Child uses item from the left to use with the baby and then places it in the basket on the right to show "all done".

Structured block play to give student an example of what to build

Structured doctor station. Child uses each of the tools on the left and then moves them to the "all done" basket on the right.

Structured toy car play. The student should use each of the cars and push through the tunnel. Play is done when student has used each car.