
Our research interest spans from fundamental materials and device research to building novel hardware platforms for enabling new forms of computing. At the materials and device level, we explore novel phenomena, emergent dynamics and exotic topological states in functional and quantum materials for building new nanoelectronics devices. Using them as building blocks, we design and prototype novel circuits and systems that often exhibit collective behavior owing to non-trivial interactions among the devices. As such, their functionalities extend beyond just conventional logic and memory applications, and goes towards brain-inspired neuromorphic and quantum computing. We are particularly interested in understanding how novel phenomena and emergent dynamics can be leveraged and engineered at each level of hierarchy (material, device, circuit and system) for building unique compute platforms that addresses today's AI driven data-intensive workloads and solves hard problems in computer science.

We are predominantly an experimental research group that specializes in nano-fabrication and electrical characterization of nanoelectronics devices, developing physics-based modeling and simulation framework, and prototyping large-scale circuits and systems.Â