Camano Head

Camano Head - Xwheshud (pronounced WHESH-ud)

​Across the Saratoga Passage on the very tip of Camano Island there was another Snohomish native village settlement named Xwheshud or Camano Head. Numerous historical accounts make mention of a large landslide at Camano Head in 1833, which sent a large wave south towards Hat Island drowning the many natives who lived at Camano Head. After the landslide and tsunami, Camano Head was only used for seasonal clamming and the occasional ghost story by many those who believed the area was haunted.

For more information on this area see Camano Head Landslide.

Girls from the Tulalip Indian School clam digging on the beach at Camano Head.

**photo courtesy of the Hibulb Cultural Center - Wayne Williams collection.