Sincere Condolences from Maryam Rajavi on the death of Senator Jean-Pierre Michel

Maryam Rajavi, president elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and leader of MEK Iran, expressed sincere condolences on the death of Senator Jean-Pierre Michel. In a statement, shared by the MEK Iran website, Rajavi said that the news of the death of Senator Jean-Pierre Michel, parliamentarian and great French politician, deeply touched and saddened her and all members of the MEK Iran.

She extended condolences from the bottom of her heart to his family, to all his colleagues and in particular to the members of the French Committee for a Democratic Iran (FCDI) of which he was one of the founders. The leader of MEK Iran and president-elect of the NCRI, also extended her condolences to the inhabitants of Haute-Saone, the town of Hericourt and to all French people.

Rajavi stressed out that France has lost one of its most responsible and honorable politicians.

The Iranian people and the MEK Iran mourn the loss of one of their greatest supporters, who embodied the conscience and honor of the French Republic, the cradle of human rights and land of asylum.

“On behalf of the Iranian people and his Resistance, and on behalf of the Ashraf resistance fighters who have always felt encouraged by his support, I salute the soul of this great man. I have no doubt that with his sincere faith in freedom and justice, he remains forever present in the campaign for the freedom of the Iranian nation,” said Maryam Rajavi for the MEK Iran website.

According to Rajavi, Senator Michel was so influential and such a powerful voice for human rights and democracy that his presence can be still felt, and the religious tyranny in Iran continues to fear his steadfastness and frankness.

After the revelation of the terrorist plot of the mullahs regime against the gathering of tens of thousands of Iranians, among them also were members of the MEK Iran, and hundreds of international personalities in Villepinte near Paris in June 2018, Senator Michel issued a clear warning:

“This game of fooling our leaders must stop. Like any despotic power, Ali Khamenei understands only the language of firmness. To curb its terrorism, but also its destabilizing interference in the Middle East and its threatening nuclear and ballistic program, the reaction of the French and European authorities must be equal to the crimes prepared”.