Residents of Saravan Rise and Take Over the Governorate

The MEK Iran have announced on their website that following the clashes between the underprivileged populations of Saravan (south-eastern Iran) and the repressive forces, which left dozens of deaths and injuries among fuel carriers and young people in the city, the morning On February 23, residents of Saravan staged a demonstration. Despite the strong presence of the Revolutionary Guards, security forces and police, the demonstrators reached the governorate.

The MEK Iran have shared on their Twitter profile on February 23: “Following yesterday's killing of eight Baluchi fuel carriers and wounding dozens of others, protesters have poured into the streets and taken over the city's governorate office”.

The repressive forces fired live ammunition and fired tear gas to disperse the crowd. However, angry protesters put up strong resistance and took control of the governor's office. According to reports, there are many dead and injured.

The MEK Iran have shared on their Twitter profile the scenes from the morning of February 23, when angry locals stormed into the regime's governorate office. They have wrote: “People are in the streets in support of protests in Saravan. Reports indicate locals intend to block city roads. Residents of other cities in Sistan & Baluchistan are also expressing their support”.

According to MEK Iran (follow them on Youtube), the young insurgents overturned and set fire to several vehicles of the security forces. The youths also set tires on fire, blocking the highway to the local Revolutionary Guards garrison. Clashes continue in different parts of the city and the situation is quite troubled.

Ms. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and leader of MEK Iran, hailed the martyrs for the cause of freedom and wished a speedy recovery to the wounded. Hailing the heroic people of Saravan, who rose up against the religious dictatorship, Ms. Rajavi called on the insurgent youth, especially in Sistan-Baluchistan province, to support the people of Saravan.