Khamenei Expresses Fear of MEK Iran

On Tuesday, Khamenei expressed in a speech his fear over the role of the MEK Iran, both inside and outside Iran. The head of the first state sponsor of terrorism, who has on his hands the blood of millions of innocent people in Iran and abroad, has complained that France is "protecting" the Iranian Resistance.

Khamenei's remarks once again demonstrated his ultimate fear of the MEK Iran. Since the nationwide protests in Iran in 2018, especially after the November 2019 uprising in which the MEK Iran played a leading role, Khamenei has not made any serious speeches without referring to the security of the regime and the influence of the opposition organization MEK Iran in society.

This is mainly because the uprisings and their scale, which have shown the fragility of the oppressive organs of the regime, have failed to preserve the security of the regime.

After the nationwide protests in Iran in 2018, Khamenei admitted that the MEK Iran had "planned for months" and organized the uprising. Khamenei threatened a response from the regime. Months later, in 2018, a regime terrorist diplomat, Assadollah Assadi, and three accomplices were arrested as they attempted to bomb the Iranian opposition rally in June 2018 in France.

After the November uprising, Khamenei again showed his fear of the Iranian opposition on January 8, 2020. Referring to the MEK Iran and Albania, where the MEK Iran members are located, Khamenei complained of MEK Iran's leading role in the uprising.

“Several days before the uprising, in a small and sinister country in Europe, an American and a number of Iranians made plans. This is what we saw in the gasoline incident. As soon as people (protesters) arrived at the scene, enemy agents began to demolish, burn, assassinate, destroy and foment war. It was a renewal of the work they had done before. And they continue to do this, and they will do whatever they can,” he said.

Khamenei's constant warnings, and fear about the "safety" of his regime, are due to the fact that over time the uprisings have taken place at shorter intervals, more violently and much more massively.

Khamenei's remarks also suggest that the regime has failed to suppress the troubled society, and that the November 2019 uprising and the people's anger are like fire under ashes. In other words, the regime is unable to prevent the uprising from happening.

As the national daily Etemad wrote on October 28: “Those responsible should fear the upcoming uprising. Because when it comes, it penetrates all the protections and burns the roots and the hopes of the regime. There will be no time to waste in regretting years of neglect."