ID Number: 36992

Owner: Polyhexian

Species: Tokotas

Breed: Canarctos venatori

Gender: Female

Mane Type: Natural

Genotype: ee/Aa/Tt/MM/CC/AA/nCr

Phenotype: Marked collared cream tawny with accents

Height: 125 cm

Hierarchy Status: Average

Rites of Fertility: Yes

Health Status: Healthy. Dwarfism. 


Foxhound: Hunting Bonus: Allows the retrieval of up to double the base amount of prey items when hunting fox or coyote.

Bobcat: Hunting bonus: Duplicates the TT value of any hunting result that involves small prey such as rabbits or birds.
Wolf: While Hunting, increases maximum possible items found by 1.

Hunting Saddle: Adds a +2% bonus to all hunting rarity bonuses applied to the tokota.


[DWARFISM] - Bob Tail - Barbary Mane

Passionate: Tokota is able to be bred 1 time over the standard monthly limit.

Cleverness II: Only applies to tokotas with dwarfism 50% chance to retrieve up to three extra pelts while hunting small prey. (Hare, fox, birds, etc)

Fellowship: 5+ point score benefit in all group-sanctioned Endurance, Livestock herding/cutting, Agility, and Mounted marksmanship competitions. 

Fertility Rites:

Rite of Fortitude:

Rites of Dominance:


Hunting: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Fishing: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Exploring: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Caving/Diving: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5

CE Win - Incomplete
Dom Offspring: incomplete
HP - incomplete


Average to Dominant


Rareki Squad!!! | Fullbody Coloured and Shaded +3 | Background +2 | Collab +2 | Handler +2 | Total: 9

Rite of Merit: Breaking Free from their Icy Tombs | Wordcount 2263 +11 | Fertility Rite +2 | Handler +2 | Superstar +2 | Alpha +1 | Total: 18

Rite of Fortitude: Child's Play in Aippaq's Garden | Wordcount 1674 +8 | Fertility Rite +2 | Handler +2 | Superstar +2 | Alpha +1 | Total: 15

Rite of Knowledge: Four Vs One | Wordcount 1418 +7 | Fertility Rite +2 | Handler +2 | Superstar +2 | Alpha +1 | Starter +2 | Total: 16

Arms of Akna Excellent | +10

[T] Overkill | Fullbody Coloured and Shaded +3 | Background +2 | Handler +2 | Collab +2 | Hunting +2 | Alpha +1 | Tribemate +2 | Total: 14

[T] The Menace | Fullbody Coloured and Shaded +3 | Background +2 | Hunt +2 | Non-comm  +4 | Total: 11

a difference in fluff || Coloured Fullbody +2 | Background +2 | Fishing +2 | Noncommissioned Personal Art +4 | Other ARPG +1 | Total: 11

TOO MUCH FUR... VERY HOT... || Coloured Fullbody +2 | Background +2 | Fishing +2 | Noncommissioned Personal Art +4 | Other ARPG +1 | Total: 11

forest path time || Coloured Fullbody +2 | Background +2 | Fishing +2 | Noncommissioned Personal Art +4 | Other ARPG +1 | Total: 11

itty bitty || Coloured Fullbody +2 | Background +2 | Fishing +2 | Noncommissioned Personal Art +4 | Total: 10

Ghost RoF #3 || Coloured, shaded fullbody +3 | Background +2 | Noncommissioned Personal Art +4 | Total: 9

Sarafina RoD #1 || Coloured, shaded fullbody +3 | Background +2 | Dominance Rite +2 | Lore Figure +2 | Noncommissioned Personal Art +4 | Total: 13

Sarafina RoD #2 || Coloured, shaded fullbody +3 | Background +2 | Dominance Rite +2 | Lore Figure +2 | Noncommissioned Personal Art +4 | Total: 13

Sarafina RoD #3 || Coloured, shaded fullbody +3 | Background +2 | Dominance Rite +2 | Noncommissioned Personal Art +4 | Total: 11

Rabbit Hunt 1/3 || Coloured Fullbody +2 | Background +2 | Hunting +2 | Noncommissioned Personal Art +4 | Total: 10

Rabbit Hunt 2/3 || Coloured Fullbody +2 | Background +2 | Hunting +2 | Noncommissioned Personal Art +4 | Total: 10

Rabbit Hunt 3/3 || Coloured Fullbody +2 | Background +2 | Hunting +2 | Noncommissioned Personal Art +4 | Total: 10

Sarafina Headshot sheet || Coloured Headshot +1 | Noncommissioned Personal Art +4 | X 10 | Total: 50

Dominant to Alpha

Faction || 25
Sikrinerk Sprite: 20 

Berry Day 3 || Coloured Fullbody +2 | Background +2 | CE +2 | Noncommissioned Personal Art +4 | Total: 10
Bird Hunt | Coloured Fullbody +2 | Background +2 | Hunting +2 | Noncommissioned Personal Art +4 | Total: 10
Sarafina CE | Coloured Fullbody +2 | Background +2 | Hunting +2 | Noncommissioned Personal Art +4 | Total: 10
