
Geiger 10464

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Height: 160cm

Species: Vayron

Type: Runner

Fur: Lisse


- Bear Ears

- Medium Tail

- Round Eyes

Genotype: Sha+Du/Gl-Chr

Phenotype: Dusted Shadow with Chartreuse Glint

Thedale - Citizen

Magic: -

Training: -

ICQ: -

Purity Trials: -

Low Class: -

High Class: -

Specialty Class: -

Skills, Traits, Items and Familiars:

- Scarlet Roundbeak Gryph: +5 Score to Anomaly befriending entries.
- Party Animal: If drawn in a festive raffle type event entry, gives an additional raffle ticket on each entry image

Purity Trials: Incomplete

Training: Incomplete

Initial Class Quest

High Class Quest

Specialty Class Quest

Total CP: 170


​Citizen 0-150 > Recognized 150 CP > Exemplar 250 CP > Noble 400 CP > Paramount 500 CP

Citizen to Recognized:

Geiger PT #1 || Fullbody +2 | Coloured +3 | Shaded +2 | Finished Background +2 | Land Bonus +1 | Personal Work +1 | Companion + 2 | Purity Trial +2 | Total: 15

Geiger sheet || Headshot +1 | Coloured +2 | Personal Work +1 | x10 | Total: 40

Geiger PT 2 || Fullbody +2 | Coloured +3 | Shaded +2 | Finished Background +2 | Land Bonus +1 | Personal Work +1 | Purity Trial +2 | Total: 13

big shiny rock || Fullbody +2 | Coloured +3 | Finished Background +2 | Personal Work +1 | Activity +1 | Total: 9

cheery || Fullbody +2 | Coloured +3 | Finished Background +2 | Personal Work +1 | Activity +1 | Total: 9
An offering with the spirit of dawn || Fullbody +2 | Coloured +3 | Shaded +2 | Finished Background +2 | Personal Work +1 | Anomaly event +3 | Total: 13
shark boy || Fullbody +2 | Coloured +3 | Shaded +2 | Finished Background +2 | Personal Work +1 | Anomaly event +3 | Total: 13
Fountain Time || Fullbody +2 | Coloured +3 | Finished Background +2 | Personal Work +1 | Anomaly event +3 | Total: 11
Guiding the Way Home | Wordcount 901 +9 | Land Bonus +1 | Personal Art +1 | Anomaly Event +3 || Total: 14
Hastur comes out of the ocean to shame vaykind | Fullbody +2 | Coloured +3 | Finished Background +2 | Personal Work +1 | Anomaly event +3 | Total: 11
that chaser is played by billy joel | Fullbody +2 | Coloured +3 | Finished Background +2 | Personal Work +1 | Anomaly event +3 | Total: 11

Recognized to Exemplar:

Autumn | Fullbody +2 | Coloured +3 | Finished Background +2 | Personal Work +1 | Anomaly event +3 | Total: 11

Exemplar to Noble:

Noble to Paramount:

Post Paramount:
