
Gunther 878

Name: Gunther

ID #: 878

Health Status: Healthy

Owner: Unkn0wn5ender

Breeder: Adoption Center

Species: Felvargs

Gender: Male

Build: Standard

Coat Type: Standard

Genotype: ss/Cr/br/bk/Hl/Mm/Sa/Td

Phenotype: Cream with Highlights, Maned, Saddle, Tipped
Hierarchy Level: 1/6

Passage of Courtship: 2/2
Slots used: 0/6


Raccoon Kit - Increase the rarity of the items located in chests received while questing by 5%.

Tabby Cat - Increased chance you will return with more valuable loot when fishing by 5%.

Map of Ulfrheim - +5% chance to return more valuable items while tracking or adventuring.

Passage of Courtship

EXP: 85.5

Felv Adventure- Copy Felv +2 [Fb] +2 [Fc] +1 [Sbg] +1 [Act] Total: +6

Felv Adventure- Let's Race +2 [Fb] +2 [Fc] +1 [Sbg] +1 [Act] Total: +6

Felv Adventure- Butterfly +2 [Fb] +2 [Fc] +1 [Sbg] +1 [Act] Total: +6

Wise Old Deer |Felvargs| +6 [Wc] +2 [Nc] +2 [Bh] Total: +10

May We Speak +2 [Fb] +3 [Cs] +1 [Sbg] +2 [Wc] +2 [Nc] +1 [Act] Total: +11

Little Moon's Crocodile +6 [Wc] +2 [Nc] +2 [Bh] Total: +10
Find Your Tune (The Begining) +2 [Fb] +3 [Cs] +3 [Cbg] +2 [Nc] +2 [PoC] Total: +12

Nope (Internal Instinct) +2 [Fb] +3 [Cs] +3 [Cbg] +2 [Nc] +2 [PoC] Total: +12

Passage of Courtship Medal - Bronze +5
Smile My Boy +0.5 [Lc] +1.5 [Lcs] +2 [Nc] Total: +4

THIS! +0.5 [L] +0.5 [Lc] +0.5 [Chi] +2 [Nc] Total: +3.5
