
ID: 38573

Species: Tokotas

Breed: Canarctos dirus [25%]

Gender: Female

Mane: Half

Geno: ee/AA/TT/MM/nC/AA/nD

Pheno: Marked collared dun tawny with accents

Rite of Fertility: Yes

Health: Healthy


Basic Bow: Reduces possibility of failing a hunt to 1%.

Basic Rod: Reduces possibility of failing a fishing trip to 1%.

Crafted Lantern: Increases chance of finding rarer items while exploring by 20%; reduces possibility of failing an expedition to 1%. (Replaces Bright Flashlight.)

Bear: Removes failure chance while Hunting. 

Beaver: Chance to bring back 1-3 Logs from an Exploration.


Creature Whisperer: Increased chance to locate companion animals on an exploration, caving, or diving trip.

Explorer: Exploration items retrieved by the tokota are worth 20%+ of their usual reward when redeemed at Toko Tokens Bank.

Fisher: Fish retrieved by the tokota are worth 20%+ of their usual reward when redeemed at Toko Tokens Bank.

Hardy: Injuries received by this Tokota are reduced by 1 step of severity. This affects all injury types. Stacks with Tenacious/Leg Protectors.

Impeccable Stamina II: +15 bonus points to any group-held endurance competition.

Lucky: Increased chance of encountering a random event.

Passionate: Tokota is able to be bred 1 time over the standard monthly limit.
Courage: 5+ point score benefit in all group-sanctioned Ice fishing, Ice racing, Sled racing, and Hunting competitions. 

Fertility Rites:

Rites of Dominance:


Born to Average!

Average to Dominant 250/250

Payment 7 of 13 |  Coloured Fullbody +2 | Background +2 | Activity +2 | Total: 6
Payment 5 of 13 | Coloured Fullbody +2 | Background +2 | Activity +2 | Total: 6
Water Gold |  Coloured Fullbody +2 | Background +2 | Activity +2 | Alpha Izuku 33112  +1 Total: 7
My first roll in months | Shaded Fullbody +2 | Background +2 | Activity +2 | Alpha Izuku 33112  +1 Total: 7
Art Payment Hunt 3 | Coloured Fullbody +2 | Background +2 | Activity +2 | Total: 6
Cave Stroll | Coloured Fullbody +2 | Background +2 | Activity +2 | Alpha Izuku 33112  +1 | Total: 7
Cave Snek | Shaded Fullbody +2 | Background +2 | Activity +2 | Alpha Izuku 33112  +1 | Total: 7
Tribe Fish 1 | Coloured Fullbody +2 | Background +2 | Activity +2 | Handler +2 | Alpha Izuku 33112 +1 | Superstar II Izuku 33112 +3 | Total: 12
Tribe Fish 3 | Coloured Fullbody +2 | Background +2 | Activity +2 | Handler +2 | Alpha Izuku 33112 +1 | Superstar II Izuku 33112 +3 | Total: 12
Tribe Fish 5 | Coloured Fullbody +2 | Background +2 | Activity +2 | Handler +2 | Alpha Izuku 33112 +1 | Superstar II Izuku 33112 +3 | Total: 12
Tribe Fish 2 | Coloured Fullbody +2 | Background +2 | Activity +2 | Handler +2 | Alpha Izuku 33112 +1 | Superstar II Izuku 33112 +3 | Total: 12
Tribe Fish 4 | Coloured Fullbody +2 | Background +2 | Activity +2 | Handler +2 | Alpha Izuku 33112 +1 | Superstar II Izuku 33112 +3 | Total: 12
Bird Hunt 2 | Coloured Fullbody +2 | Background +2 | Activity +2 | Handler +2 | Alpha Izuku 33112 +1 | Superstar II Izuku 33112 +3 | Total: 12
Bird Hunt 3 | Coloured Fullbody +2 | Background +2 | Activity +2 | Handler +2 | Alpha Izuku 33112 +1 | Superstar II Izuku 33112 +3 | Total: 12
Bird Hunt 4 | Coloured Fullbody +2 | Background +2 | Activity +2 | Handler +2 | Alpha Izuku 33112 +1 | Superstar II Izuku 33112 +3 | Total: 12
Bird Hunt 5 | Coloured Fullbody +2 | Background +2 | Activity +2 | Handler +2 | Alpha Izuku 33112 +1 | Superstar II Izuku 33112 +3 | Total: 12
Bird Hunt 1 | Coloured Fullbody +2 | Background +2 | Activity +2 | Handler +2 | Alpha Izuku 33112 +1 | Superstar II Izuku 33112 +3 | Total: 12
[1/3][RoM] Speed Fishing | Coloured fullbody +2 | Background +2 | Fertility Rite +2 | Total: 6
[2/3][RoF] Journey | Coloured fullbody +2 | Background +2 | Fertility Rite +2 | Total: 6
[3/3][RoS] Take Down | Coloured fullbody +2 | Background +2 | Fertility Rite +2 | Total: 6
Marciella [Pt 1/2 - 1/3] | Shaded Fullbody +2 | Background +2 | Activity +2 | Total: 6
Marciella [Pt 1/2 - 3/3] | Shaded Fullbody +2 | Background +2 | Activity +2 | Total: 6
Marciella [Pt 1/2 - 2/3] | Shaded Fullbody +2 | Background +2 | Activity +2 | Total: 6
I Think Im bigger than you | Coloured Fullbody +2 | Background +2 | Activity +2 | Total: 6
Autumn Freedom | Coloured Fullbody +2 | Background +2 | Activity +2 | Total: 6
Why is my child so large | Shaded Fullbody +2 | Background +2 | Total: 4

AoA Excellent | 10
Faction Bonus: 25

Dominant to Alpha 51/300

(Faction bonus overflow) | Total: 3

Tokotine | Coloured Fullbody +2 | Noncommissioned Personal Art +4 | Total: 6
Blizzard Time | Coloured Fullbody +2 | Background +2 | Activity +2 | Noncommissioned Personal Art +4 | Total: 10
10 HP from World Tour Taniya & Tartok Region
CE Flaxseed Kitty Rescue | 2(fb colored) +2(bg) +4(non-com) +2(rite) +2(handler) Total: 12

Hyperstylized Hunt | 2(fb colored) +2(bg) +4(non-com) +2(Hunt) Total: 10 


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