
Wysteria 8435

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown

Height: 183 cm

Species: Vayron

Type: Puller

Fur: Lisse


- Bear Ears

- Feline Tail

- Round Eyes

Genotype: Lil+nTab/nR/nPn/hU

Phenotype: Tabby Lilac with Ray Pangare and Underbelly

Warrenfall - Exemplar

Magic: -

Training: Complete

ICQ: Complete

Purity Trials: Complete!

Low Class: Guard

High Class: -

Specialty Class: -

Skills, Traits, Items and Familiars:

Purity Trials: Complete

Training: Complete


High Class Quest

Specialty Class Quest




Total CP: 244


​Citizen 0-150 > Recognized 150 CP > Exemplar 250 CP > Noble 400 CP > Paramount 500 CP

Citizen to Recognized:

Shiny Night || Headshot +1 | Colored + 2 | Shaded +1 | Background +2 | Land Bonus +1 | Total: 7

Sunset || Headshot +1 | Colored + 2 | Shaded +1 | Background +2 | Land Bonus +1 | X2 | Total: 14

Wysteria Headshot Spread || Headshot +1 | Coloured +1 | Personal Work +1 | X11 | Total: 44

a very scary beetle encounter || Fullbody +2 | coloured +3 | Shaded +2| Finished Background +2 | Land Bonus +1| Personal Work +1 | Training +1 | Total: 12

Water Girl || Fullbody +2 | coloured +3 | Shaded +2| Finished Background +2 | Personal Work +1 | Training +1 | Total: 11

CHOMP || Fullbody +2 | coloured +3 | Shaded +2| Finished Background +2 | Land Bonus +1 | Personal Work +1 | Training +1 | Total: 12

icq: sleep is 4 the weak || Fullbody +2 | coloured +3 | Shaded +2| Finished Background +2 | Land Bonus +1| Personal Work +1 | Companion +2 | Initial Class Quest +2 | Total: 15

birb time || Fullbody + 2 | Colored + 3 | Land Bonus + 1 | Finished background + 1 | Personal work + 1 | Hunting + 1 | Total = 10

ominous distant rabbit noises || Fullbody + 2 | Colored + 3 | Land Bonus + 1 | Finished background + 2 | Personal work + 1 | Hunting + 1 | Total = 10

i will take a hammer and fix the vayron || Fullbody + 2 | Colored + 3 | Shaded + 2 | Finished background + 2 | Personal work + 1 | Total = 10

A long way home || Fullbody + 2 | Colored + 3 | Shaded + 2 | Finished background + 2 | Land Bonus + 1 | Personal work + 1 | Companion + 2 | Purity Trial + 2 | Total = 15

Recognized to Exemplar:

Lion Killer || Fullbody + 2 | Colored + 3 | Shaded + 2 | Finished background + 2 | Land Bonus + 1 | Personal work + 1 | Purity Trial + 2 | Total = 13

nap time || Fullbody + 2 | Colored + 3 | Shaded + 2 | Finished background + 2 | Land Bonus + 1 | Personal work + 1 | Companion + 2 | Purity Trial + 2 | Total = 15

another wysteria spread || Headshot +1 | Coloured +1 | Personal Work +1 | X7 | Total: 32

oh shoot hes hot || Fullbody +2 | coloured +3 | Shaded +2| Finished Background +2 | Land bonus +1 | Personal Work +1 | Anomaly Event +3 | Total: 14

IM ON A BOAT || Fullbody +2 | coloured +3 | Shaded +2| Finished Background +2 | Personal Work +1 | Anomaly Event +3 | Total: 13

i dont want this || Fullbody +2 | coloured +3 | Shaded +2| Finished Background +2 | Personal Work +1 | Anomaly Event +3 | Total: 13

Exemplar to Noble:

ALL my babbies || Fullbody + 2 | Colored + 3 | Personal work + 1 || Total = 6

Snow? What's That? || Word count 972 +9 | personal art +1 | winter event +3 || total =13
Where's that sharkboy || Wordcount 1,160 +11 | Companion +2 | Personal Art +1 | Anomaly Event +3 || Total: 17

Noble to Paramount
Post Paramount
