Responsables : Kaitlyn Prince, Leon Westgeest, Taatsi Berthelsen and with the help of our greek correspondant : Elli Georgatselou

This article is about the 4th Gymnasium of Preveza, Greece school

Where are we ?

4ο Γυμνάσιο Πρέβεζα(4th Gymnasium Preveza)

general schools

In Greece they have 4 kind of schools :

  • Pre-primary (from the age of 4-6),
  • Primary (age 6-12),
  • Junior high school (age 12-15),
  • High school (age 15-18),

Written by : Akrivi Liatou, Taatsi Berthelsen, and Robert Simonsen Pike.

bad behavior

In Greece, when someone annoys the other students, they go to a teacher (usually the one who they trust the most or to a surveillant) and they tell him exactly what happened. Then the teacher goes to the headmaster and they solve the problem there. In Greenland when a person does not behave well or annoys someone, bullies and takes things too far, there is a special classroom for them called family class.

Written by: Akrivi Liatou, Taatsi Berthelsen, and Robert Simonsen Pike.


At the 4th Gymnasium school, Preveza in Greece, at 8:20, the students arrive and pray to God and it takes about 1-3 minutes. They believe that it will make their day better. After the prayer, the teachers make announcements that will help them to continue their day. All schools in Greece, both private and public, pray in the morning.

And "Bobby the dog" prays too!

Written by: Akrivi Liatou, Taatsi Berthelsen, and Robert Simonsen Pike.

classrooms of the school

They have many classrooms, so they use all of them for different reasons. For example when they have Music they go to another classroom. They change classrooms only for these subjects : Music, physics, art, gymn.

In this school, there's lots of spiders which in Greenland, there isn't. For some of the greenlanders, its exciting to catch spiders.

Written by: Akrivi Liatou, Taatsi Berthelsen and Robert Simonsen Pike

schedule of the class B1

They have different schedule every day so they finish on different hours… On Mondays, they finish at 13:15 and the Tuesday at 14:05. When they are late they take 1 absent note. The limit of absent notes is 114 and if they collect 114 absent notes, they redo the same class.

Written by: Akrivi Liatouu, Taatsi Berthelsen and Robert Simonsen Pike


Every student in every year takes a test for each subject twice per year, once per term. These test results develop the general grade. The teachers observe the results from the tests then start preparing the students for the final exam at the end of the school year. Some students have difficulties, so instead of writing in the test, they tell the teachers their answers.

Written by : Akrivi Liatou, Taatsi Berthelsen, Robert Simonsen Pike


There's a dog that comes to the school every morning so they named him Bobby The Dog. The dog is homeless so he goes to the school everyday.

They really love him !

Skrevet af : Taatsi Berthelsen

Mellemmåltider på skolen

I pauserne spiser eller drikker eleverne for det meste, fordi de først har frokost senere på dagen. De må spise lige hvad de vil og de kan købe det i en lille kiosk i skolegården, men de tager for det meste en madpakke med hjemmefra.

Skrevet af: Akrivi Liatou, Taatsi Berthelsen, and Robert Simonsen Pike.

Oversat af Anouk S. S. Olsen

Break Time

The students of the school have many breaks since they have a lot of subjects.

Break times: 9:00 - 9:10 | 9:55 - 10:05 | 10:50 - 11:00 | 11:40 - 11:50 | 12:30 - 12:40 | 1:20 - 1:25. When they have a break, they are not allowed to go outside the school perimeter. They are allowed to go outside into the yard to play basketball, volleyball and lots of other games. But some students just talk, relax and sometimes eat some snacks.

Written by: Akrivi Liatou, Taatsi Berthelsen, Robert Simonsen Pike, Kaitlyn Prince and Leon Westgeest


This class is having a literature lesson .

The subjects that they learn here in this school are:

Maths, Physics, Greek, Ancient Greek, Religous Studies, Sport, English, French, German, Music, Art, Technology, History, Geography, Chemistry, Biology, IT, Ancient Greek mythology and litterature, litterature. In every school in Greece they have to learn 3 languages. The students have to choose between French or German but English and Greek are obligatory .

This class is having a maths lesson .

This class is doing Geography

Written by: Kaitlyn Prince and Leon Westgeest

Transport to school

The students come to school by: On foot, by car, school bus and bicycles. Most of the students live in Preveza but some of them live in neighbouring suburbs or villages not far away.

Written by: Kaitlyn Prince and Leon Westgeest

After-school classes

The students take after school classes because the school days are very short (8:15 - 1:20 or 2:05) so they don't have much time in the classroom. Or it's because they don't understand the lessons that well so they need extra help. The tutors either come to the students house or the students go to their house.

Written by: Kaitlyn Prince and Leon Westgeest