hobbies, love and friends

In this section you will find some useful information on day-to-day life in Greece. We are students from France and Greenland and we have been working on exploring different aspects of everyday life in Greece during our mobilities there. We have found many similarities as well as many differences as compared to our own cultures. So, enjoy your reading!

transfert to Preveza, from Kerkira/Corfu and back

Preveza is a town near to the wonderful island of Corfu, wich is called Kerkira in Greece. Because our trip wasn't in the holiday time, there were no flights to the Preveza's airport from France, so we flew to the airport of Corfu.

The next day, we were supposed to take a ferry but there was a general strike of the sea transporters, so we continued our trip to Preveza by bus and this tiny taxi boat. It was an wonderful experience and we arrived well in the beautiful town of Preveza !

The conditions were not very comfortable, the price was high, but we managed to get to the continent in 30 minutes.

On our way back though we were lucky to take the ferry and enjoy another type of sea travel, a slower one but very exciting as well.

Written by Axel Brunet, Martijn Stienstra and Vagia Papageorgiou.

after school activities: hobbies and leasure time

Children usually go to music schools, where they learn how to play musical instruments.

Other children have different types of hobbies like: football, judo, kickboxing, gymnastics and a lot of dance classes.

In Preveza, there is a Stadium that is called Athanasia Tsoumeleka. It's open for the public for the last 10 years, and it is very popular among the Greek people. Sila, the teacher of physical education told us : " The stadium keeps the older people healthy, and for the younger is important to have sports in their life."

Us, the greenlandic people, don't have a stadium so we think that it was a very good experience to see it.

In Greece, children haven't got a lot of free time in the afternoon, but they still often go all together to playgrounds, in courtyards of schools or in the centre of the town. The reason that they don't have a lot of free time is that after school they have to go to evening lessons so they can be prepared for the school.

On the bike ride :

Students going to the beach :

In Greece, the landmarks make people be more sensible. This means that most of the people prefer spending their time in places like this. In Greenland it's the same, with the only difference that people go in the mountains. In Greece and Greenland you can choose your boyfriend by yourself but your parents can have their own opinion about it.


Greek salad is a traditional food,which is really common to the restarants and the villages,where it started.

Salad contains tomatoes, onions and cucumbers we add oil,oregano and vinegar to make them tastier. Its usually "accompany" the main meal. We loved the greek salad.

Written by Justine, Alix and Alicia


Feta is created by goat or/and sheep milk.

We can eat feta with bread, salad and other kinds of food .

We usually add oil and oregano in order to make feta tastier and gives it a nice smell and taste.

There are many types of this cheese.The most usual is to mix the goat and sheep milk.It is the most common.

It depends on people but many find the feta very particular greece but they eat a lot

Written by Alix,Alicia ,Alix and Giorgos

meal of meats

When you go to eat in a taverna they usually offer you a meal of meats which contains chicken, big meatballs or beef and a steak .They give you also fry patotoes and lemon to put at your meat.Sometimes they can offer you and a ''pita'' which is a type of bread and usually accompany this kind of meat.It was a very good discovery of these typical Greek dishes we really like

Written by Justine,Alix,Alicia and George

a dessert from fruits

When the customer has finished his meal,then they can order something sweet to eat,a dessert.The desset of the picture is what most customers prefer.They often choose a fruit with honey and/or sugarSometimes they can add some joguhrt in order to became only taster. Here we have a few bananas, apples and straberries with honey.It looks really tasty.It's very sweet but delicious, we can do it again at home.

Written by Justine,Alix Alicia and Giorgos

greeks familys

Here more families have the most times two or only one kid and they live close to the workplace of their parents. The parents usually take care of house when their kids are small but when they grow up, they start to help their parents with activities like throwing the rubish and making their bed. Like in France, the woman of the family has to do the housework and take care of children. But, when she works,then the man of the family helps her with his work in the house. He cares the kids of the family, he washes the dishes and if he can, sometimes he cooks the meals.Rarely the older members of the family live with the other family.In case they live cose to the family or live together at the same house,they usually help their kids with their houseworks and take care of the smallest members of their family.

Written by Justine,Alicia ,Alix and Giorgos

greek hospitality

The Greeks are are really friendly people. They behave really friendly to tourist from other countries. When they host someone from other country,they try to make him like his house.Frequently they go outside to the restaurants and tavernas, where they taste the topical dishes and sweets.Other times,they cook them some homemade food which usually is a something traditional, and they learn them how to cook these by themselves, if they like it. Also,they visit the most important monuments of their area and give them many importan informations about their history. Also, sometimes they can go with their guests to the shops in order to buy some souvenirs or at places where they can entertain with other people.Finally,when they have to leave and return to their houses, the Greeks always give them a present to remember their stay at our country.For these raesons, our people are lovable to everyone and tourist and guest want to come back again and again.

Written by Alicia,Alix,Justine and Giorgos

We were very surprised to see that the Greeks got up very early to prepare for their mid-afternoon return home. Most work in the morning comes in the middle of the afternoon take a nap to leave then work.They go to bed late and get up early so they take a nap. In France it's very different because we don't stop to take a nap.

out at night

at night the greek kids go out , to walk arround town, and come home when they want.