
Shriramana Sharma is an agnihotri residing at the Shri Shankara Matam of Shri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam at Nerur, Karur Dt, Tamil Nadu where lies the adhishthanam of Shri Sadashiva Brahmendra on the banks of the Kaveri.

On the side of traditional shastram, he studied Vyakaranam under Vidvan Mahabaleshvara Bhat and Mimamsa under Brahmashri Mani Dravida Shastrigal. He has also studied Shulba Sutram from Brahmashri Sundararama Vajapeyi. He bears a strong research interest in the Vedangas especially Shiksha and Jyautisham.

Due to his interest in jyautisham and studies in Mimamsa, he is serving as the convener of the annual Panchanga Sadas of the Kamakoti Peetam. Here in the Shubakrit Year (2022), Shri Shankaracharya Swamigal graciously blessed him with the title “Nakshatra Darsha”.

He is also a participant in the Agnihotra Sadas, Advaita Sabha and Veda Bhashya Sadas of the Kamakoti Peetam.

On the modern academic side, he has MA degrees in Samskritam and Linguistics and completed his Ph D in Purva Mimamsa.

He is also committed to technology development for Indic needs and has developed various tools for Indian scripts. In this connection he has participated in Gov't of India, Gov't of Tamil Nadu and Unicode Technical Committee meetings, towards ensuring correct representation of various rare written characters.

He played an important role in the Unicode encoding of Grantha script and old Tamil and Malayalam fractions and symbols. He was awarded the Unicode Bulldog award from the Unicode Consortium for his contributions.

He is also a gifted poet and has written many scholarly verse compositions and gitams in Samskritam.