
Normani Hamilton

Normani was born in New Orleans, but moved to Texas when she was in elementary school. She spent most of her adolescence there and spent most of her time with Ally. Her dad was never truly in the picture aside from supporting her family through child support, and her mom inherited a large fortune. When she moved to Miami for her senior year, Normani had a crush on Dinah, but she didn’t make any moves because of Dinah being in love with Lauren. Normani went to NYU for school and majored in dance with a minor in fashion design and lived with Lauren during this time. She now spends her time writing music with Camila and dancing backup on her tours along with modeling gigs every once in a while. She’s not too sure on what she wants to do with her life, but she looks forward to settling down and having kids.

Facts about Normani

  • Normani hates carbonated drinks (except for ginger ale)

  • Normani’s close to Camila, but as she gets closer to Dinah, that friendship is going to get sloppy

  • Normani’s bisexual with a preference for men

  • Normani’s dad isn’t in the picture aside from random pop-ups

  • Normani’s a dancer and has been dancing since she was three

  • Normani likes looking good for herself, but not for other people. She thinks that everyone has a bias and prefers to not listen to them (she enjoys compliments though)

  • Normani wants a career in the arts, but she’s not sure where exactly

  • Normani’s family is wealthy

  • Normani’s smart, but she’s never felt the need to go overboard for school and instead focuses on dance.

    • Normani dances back up for Camila first during Jingle Ball and then on her Romance Tour

  • Normani’s closest to her mom and tends to go to her with any issues

  • Normani thinks that she’s loved Dinah since they lived together, but she refuses to admit it

  • Normani wouldn’t mind being pregnant

  • If she’s not dancing, she wants to be writing music

  • Normani hates flying

  • Normani copes with hard stuff by hiding under the covers or pretending her problems don’t exist