Cutco Presentation Manual
1. Follow the Manual
2. Show Qualified Customers
3. Have Fun!
Send confirmation email ASAP
Send Reminder text the morning of the demo.
Always ask your customers to be in their home for the demo (not from Starbucks, etc.).
Best to see husbands and wives together, no husbands alone!
Smile, be energetic, be the highlight of their day!
Collect stories and testimonials from past customers!
Stay in control of your Demo. Confirm every 1-2 slides that they are on the same page as you are.
“What slide are you on now?” or “Do you see the...?”
If customer asks for prices in the middle of your demo, say: “I don't want to give away the end of the movie, I’ll go over all the prices at the end!” :-)
Smile, be patient if there are any technical issues
Follow this manual word for word.
Follow the cues for when to click
Present to husbands & wives together (so they can make a decision together; less pressure)
Make sure they're sitting in front of a screen (so they can follow along your presentation)
Have them on speaker phone or a Zoom/Facetime Meeting (so you can talk to both spouses)
Showing Cutco Owners
Still Do FULL Presentation: It’s great practice! Many customers forget the important details!
“As a reminder... we’ve been around since 1949, we’re dishwasher safe, and have the Forever Guarantee." Review knives they don’t have in the Gifts and Accessories page.
Ask for a customer testimonial picture & Social Media shout - out!
Closing Process: At the bottom of the Gifts and Accessories Page there is a section called “Closing for Cutco Owners” which shows you how to create a “Cutco Wish List”
Cutco owners love upgrading to sets, adding accessories, and buying gifts!
(Recommended 5-10 minutes) Before we get started, go ahead and pull up
(Get to know them or catch up / Ask a lot of questions before getting started!)
Thank you so much for taking the time to see my presentation—it really means a lot...
Personal Story
Let me tell you a little bit more about me... (School / Major, Hobbies, Family, Dream Job) ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________
Okay ______, go ahead and scroll down a little bit on the page until you see the white and blue slides that say "Thank you for helping me reach my goals!" and "Why Is Cutco?"... Do you see those? Okay we're off to a good start! :-)
Tie Into Goals
Mrs. _________, do you mind if I share some of my goals with you?
Well... As you can imagine, a lot of my friends are just laying around watching Netflix right now, but I'm using this as an opportunity to build my resume and gain some new skills, so I really appreciate you seeing my demo.
I’m working with Cutco because... (Skills / Experience / Resume / Future) _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________
I just started my Fast Start Contest. I have 10 days to... (share your goal!) ____________________________
If I sell enough Cutco, I can earn a President’s Club letter, which would look great on my resume.
(FT students): I also have a chance to win an All-American Scholarship to help with school... (Optional: Explain program)
Mrs. _________, since I just started, I’m going to be reading from my manual. Is that okay?
If Your Office is using the VectorImpact App
Hey Mrs. _____, there is one more quick thing that we have to do. The company has created an app that will allow you to give me feedback on my presentation AND help me towards my goals. Don’t worry we take privacy very seriously- the app doesn’t store information, or share anything with the company!
The App is called "My Cutco Rep", which is only available and used by Cutco Customers, like yourself. Go to your App store and search My Cutco Rep App to download the app.
As I mentioned, it allows the company to get some very simple feedback from you on me and my presentation and also eliminates all of the paperwork to make everything easier and faster. To get started, I'll need you to download the App real quick and then I'll give you my 8-digit Rep # and our 4-digit Meeting # to enter to make this appointment official.
(Take three minutes to have the customer download the app)
(To send access codes: In VectorImpact, go to Schedule and click on the customers appointment. Scroll down to find the 4-digit meeting code. You can text it to them or read it off to them)
Also at the end of our presentation there will be a way for you to help sponsor me to reach my goals in the company! Thanks so much for your help! Okay, go ahead and answer the first two questions then set the phone off to the side until we finish.
Transition to Demo
Like I said on the phone, you don’t have to get anything... BUT :-) if you do see something you like, you can get it today. Not only would you be getting a great product, you would be helping me out toward my goals!
I'm only able to work through referrals, so my biggest goal today is that you like me and Cutco enough to recommend me to some of your friends.
CUTCO IS AWESOME! You can buy sets or pieces and we have tons of accessories and gifts.
We also have interest-free monthly investment options so you don’t have to pay for it all at once.
Just so I know, do you cook because you have to, like to, or love to? Great! You’re going to LOVE Cutco!
The first part of my presentation is a short video that shows the quality of Cutco. After that, I’ll show you the pieces in our basic set.
A few things to know:
1) These are all real customers. Some of them have had CUTCO for decades.
2) Notice the Forever Guarantee. This is what makes us a top-selling brand in North America.
Quick reminder to double check that your volume is turned up so you can hear everything okay...
2:05 - Isn't that guarantee amazing?
4:10 - Ever seen a drawer like that before? :-)
TIPS: If customers internet is shaky, they can turn off HD if needed to help it load faster. Press play on the video to the left at the same time your customer presses play and mute your sound on the video so you see what they're seeing; you'll still be able to hear their sound (quietly) over the phone.
Okay I'm going to start by showing you the pieces in our most popular set which is called the Homemaker...
"But before we do that... Zoom has a 40 minute time limit for free accounts like mine before the meeting automatically ends on us, and I don't want us to get interrupted, so we just need to exit the meeting and log right back in to restart the clock. You can just go to the email and click on the meeting link again. Hopefully after our demo today I'll be able to afford a paid account :-)"
Go ahead and scroll down a little bit past the video and you'll see the 3 different color Homemaker Sets and then a slideshow called "Homemaker Set Pieces". What I'd like you to do is hit the full-screen button on the slideshow (next to the gear wheel at the bottom)...(Double check that customer can still see you if you're on Zoom/Facetime.)
Go ahead and hit the spacebar and it will pull up the first slide which shows the Homemaker+8 set- Do you see that? (okay great)
Names & Uses (of Homemaker Pieces)
Mrs. _____, you can buy individual pieces, but most customers agree that over a lifetime, sets are a much better value.
It’s important to have the right tool for the right situation because of safety and efficiency.
We have two larger set options for customers who love to cook, called the Ultimate and Signature.
But, I’m going to start with the pieces in our BASIC SET, which is the most popular. It’s called the HOMEMAKER+8. It has the minimum number of tools to do 100% of the jobs in your kitchen as efficiently as possible.
It’s the best value for the average family and it starts with your... (next slide- Go ahead and hit the spacebar to see the Paring Knife page- can you see that?)
Paring Knife (2 3/4”)...
Cutco’s “Air Knife” - has a long handle, makes peeling and paring comfortable. Go ahead and click on the PLAY button on that video on the right (11 seconds)
You’ll use this for small jobs in the air like apples, strawberries and bananas, but rarely on the cutting board, that’s why you have your... (next slide)
(Tip – you'll see pictures showing some additional uses for each knife on slides – it's great to point them out!)
This is your “Small Utility Knife” for small fruits and veggies. Go ahead and click to play the video and you'll see how smooth this is. You’ll never smash a tomato ever again! It's also great for cucumbers, oranges, lemons, and limes and awesome for slicing raw chicken into strips. Which color do you like better, the classic (dark handle), white, or red handles?
Everyone loves the versatility of the Trimmer, but it’s never used for spreading or serving, that’s why you have your... (next slide)
Spatula Spreader- Press play and let's watch this video...
The wide, flexible DD edge on this piece allows you to cut, spread, and serve sandwiches, bagels, lasagna, and cake! It's perfect for getting peanut butter and jelly out of a jar with super smooth spreading or getting brownies out of the pan... But you’ll never use it on meat or large vegetables, that’s why you have your... (next slide)
Petite Carver (6 3/4”) Go ahead and play the video...
This “Large Utility Knife” is your everyday meat knife for chicken and small roasts. It’s also for large summer fruits and tough vegetables. Wait till you see this one glide through a pineapple!
The Turning Fork has three sharp tines that make it easy to turn meats and veggies and get things out of jars. None of the pieces so far are used for larger foods, that’s why you have your... (next slide)
Butcher Knife- Play the top video first, then the bottom video
This “Heavy Duty” knife disjoints large meats and is also great for melons and squash and separating frozen foods like hot dogs and hamburgers. It protects your other knives because it's the only piece in the basic set strong enough for those jobs... But it’s not a chopping knife, that’s why you have your... (next slide)
Petite Chef (7 5/8”) Go ahead and Play the video
The high knuckle clearance makes it comfortable & safer for dicing, mincing, and chopping. This “Delicate Chopper” is great for the 6 S’s—soup, salad, stir fry, stew, stuffing, & salsa! Chef knives are for chopping, not slicing; that’s why you have your...(next slide)
Slicer (9 3/4”) Let's play the video...
It’s the best bread knife in the world, and the long DD edge makes it great for cutting cakes, shredding lettuce, and slicing boneless meats. But it’s not for anything with a bone; that’s why we have your... (next slide)
Master Carving Set- Let's Play the short video...
It’s like your “Spare Tire”. You won’t use it every day, but you’ll be glad you have it!
Do you ever BBQ or host family dinners? You’ll need it for BBQ, big roasts, and family occasions. Having both forks in the set is important; the turning fork picks food up while the carving fork holds meats down and is wide enough to go around the bones.
Can you see how over a lifetime you’re going to use every tool in your basic set? (next slide)
To complete your set, your Table Knives are used for every meal: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The wide blade and rounded tip makes it safer and great for spreading, but with the Double-D® edge, it cuts like a steak knife!
We recommend two Table Knives per family member so you don’t have to wash them after every meal.
Let’s see how our Table Knives work on some tough leather... (Play Leather Video- then next slide)
For customers who like the feel of a larger "steakhouse style" STEAK KNIFE, our two larger sets- The Signature Set and Ultimate Set- they both come with the option for steak knives instead of table knives.
(The Steak Knife is the same length of the trimmer but with a wider blade and rounded tip)
The Signature comes with 10 table knives or 10 steak knives and the Ultimate comes with 12, so these sets are perfect for the holidays or when you have company over to the house, or if you just don't want to run the dishwasher constantly you'll have some extra table knives or steak knives.
Mrs. ______, it would be dangerous to have really sharp knives floating in a drawer. Our sets come with a solid oak WOODBLOCK, which looks great on the counter. We also have STORAGE TRAYS for the drawer or on a wall.
Our sets come with a free cutting board. It’s important to use a soft plastic cutting board. Glass, granite, and marble cutting boards are too hard and will dull your knives. (next slide)
To complement your Homemaker Set, we also have incredible KITCHEN TOOLS & GADGETS.
The 5-piece Kitchen Tool Set matches the rest of your set and comes in a wood block for easy storage.
Our 4-piece Entertainer Pack has comfort-grip handles and is, of course, forever guaranteed. (next slide)
It comes with our 4 most popular gadgets all in one pack. We're going to play these short videos one at a time starting with the Peeler- it peels in both directions! (Play video)
Ice Cream Scoop- it goes right through rock hard ice cream and is also great for getting the seeds out of melon (Play video)
Pizza Cutter- The blade comes out for easy cleaning (Play video)
Cheese Knife- Has holes so the cheese doesn't stick to it- it's also great for potatoes, apples, and pepperoni. This thing is awesome! (Play video)
Lastly we have our Super Shears.
Do you remember how they cut the penny in the first video?!
The high-carbon, stainless steel makes them good for everything in the kitchen as well as indoor and outdoor projects. They are dishwasher safe and come apart for easy cleaning.
Mrs. _______, let me review why so many people choose to invest in Cutco:
You’ll always have sharp American made knives that are comfortable, safe, and sanitary.
Cutco is guaranteed to last forever so it would be the last set of knives you’d ever buy.
And Cutco saves a lot of money! Most customers who buy Cutco eat out less...
If that saves $60 a month, it’s $720 saved this year——Over 25 years you’ll save $18,000!
There are several reasons why so many customers choose sets:
Cutco sets have the right tool for the right job.
Cutco sets have a built-in discount so it’s CHEAPER.
Sets come with a FREE cutting board and other FREE STUFF.
Sets are much SAFER because they come in a block or tray.
And we have interest-free monthly investment options so you don’t have to pay for it all at once!
Okay (name), now we're going to exit the full screen- you can just hit the escape button and It should bring you back to the original page. Go ahead and scroll down to the next slide show called Set Options and go full screen on that one...
Let's go to the first slide where you'll see a Wusthof and Shun brand comparison...
When it comes to high-quality cutlery, it’s like anything else. There’s a wide variety of quality and prices. Cutco is top rated so we only compare to the highest quality brands...
I have a price comparison for our top competitors, Wusthof and Shun. Have you heard of them before?
These high-quality sets made overseas are two of the top selling brands in stores.
Each brand has different types of sets, which range in price. Wusthof is the most popular.
The price for this Wusthof set is $3435. Sometimes, you can find it on sale for $2000. There are some major differences between these brands and Cutco:
Wusthof has mostly straight edges so they need to be sharpened, which is a hassle.
They are not recommended for the dishwasher and the warranty is on manufacturing defects only.
In comparison, Cutco has our unique wedge-lock handle, exclusive Double-D® “stay-sharp” edge, and we have our 4-part Forever Guarantee including our Free Sharpening.
Cutco owners will tell you that it’s ten times better than any knives they’ve ever used. Just considering the guarantee and unique features, most people would agree that Cutco is at least twice as good as Wusthof.
When something offers twice the quality and value and lasts forever, you would expect it to be at least twice the price. At twice the price you’re talking over $4000 for a set of Cutco... (next slide) 🔪
As I said earlier, our Homemaker+8 is our most popular set. It’s perfect for families that cook 2-4 times a week. It has the ten basic tools I explained earlier, 8 Table Knives, the woodblock, and a sharpener for straight edges.
We also have a Homemaker set without Table Knives.
If you were considering a set of Cutco, would you prefer the set with the Table Knives?
The great thing is that it doesn’t cost $4000 In fact, it doesn’t even cost as much as Wusthof price of $3435.
The Homemaker+8 Set is only $______ paid in full, which includes shipping. But most of our customers take advantage of our 5-month, interest-free easy pay option which is only $_____today and includes tax.
(Have them WRITE DOWN investment options on paper)
(Basic Homemaker: $_____in full or $_____per month for 5 months)
BUY NOW BONUS: We have a bonus where, if you buy now, I can give you the entire Kitchen Tool Set, the Entertainer Pack with those 4 popular gadgets, or a pair of Super Shears for FREE!
Mrs./ Mr.__________, I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t ask you; Would you like to try out the Homemaker Set today and get your FREE gifts? (Be completely quiet and wait for answer... smile)
If Yes: Congratulations! You’re going to love your Cutco. While I write that up, let’s look at accessories.
By the way, do you ever entertain or host family occasions? Okay, I'm going to show you our two larger sets too just so you see the other options on the next 2 Slides.
(Next Slide) The Signature Set comes with: All of the Homemaker Pieces & the 3 most Popular Specialty Knives (Cheese Knife for soft and starchy foods, Hardy Slicer for frozen meats and tough stuff, Rachel Ray Knife to chop with two hands or precision chopping). This is the SMALLEST SET with the Super Shears and Steak Knives in the Block.
(Next Slide) The Ultimate Set Comes with: All of the Homemaker Pieces, all of the Specialty Knives, and instead of 10 Table/Steak Knives you get 12. This is the BIGGEST and BEST Set that we make.
What do you think about the Signature and Ultimate Sets?
*If Customer says ANYTHING positive* Let me call my manager really quick! I know we have some CRAZY specials this weekend
If No: No problem! :-) If you don’t mind me asking, what is it about the Homemaker you’re unsure of? ...
Handling Knee-jerk Reactions
Too Much Money/Can’t Afford it: I completely understand. $_____ is a lot all at once. That’s why most of our customers split it up over 5 months, interest free. It would only be ____ per month. How does that sound?
I Need to Think About it: I completely understand. $_____ is a lot of money to be impulsive. That’s why most customers take advantage of the 15-day trial. If you don’t love it after a few weeks, you can send it back and get a full refund. On the 5-month plan, you can try it out for only $___ today. How does that sound?
Need to talk to Spouse (husband): I completely understand. That’s why most customers use the 15-day trial to make sure he can really see the value. If he doesn’t love it, send it back and get a full refund. On the 5- month plan, you both can try it out for only $____ today. How does that sound?
Too Many Pieces: I completely understand. At first, 10 pieces seems like a lot. After 15 days, if there is a piece or a few pieces you’re still unsure of, you can return and get refunded for those pieces. How does that sound?
Can I buy pieces?: Of course! However, our sets are discounted, they’re safer, and you get free stuff. If you don’t mind, I’ll show you our sets and if none of them appeal to you, we can pick whatever pieces you want!
I definitely want to buy later: “Mrs. Jones, you don’t have to buy anything today. Do you mind if I go through the rest of the demo just so I can practice?” (Give a better deal [call office] or drop down to smaller set.)
Still No: No problem! :-) Let’s skip to the next set, which is our Galley Set. It’s a few less knives for a lot less money... (have customer go past the Ultimate/Signature slides to get to the Galley Set)
Watch this video on some of our customer requested pieces!
Cheese knife: You saw this one in the entertainer pack, this one has the traditional handle like the rest of the knives! It's great for anything sticky and starchy.
Hardy Slicer: This is the Trimmer on steroids! Great for Cooked Meats/Frozen Meats and really tough vegetables.
Petite Chopper: This is our “Mini Chopper” for someone with smaller wrists. Great for chopping and dicing smaller fruits and veggies.
Salmon Knife: This is the hidden gem of Cutco. It's the best melon knife around. Very flexible to shear through melon rinds and of course it's awesome for removing the skin from fish.
Vegetable Cleaver (Veggie knife): Japanese stir fry knife. Can chop veggies and scoop into the pan with one piece.
Besides these pieces, we have a cleaver and raw meat or boning knife, and other sizes of paring knives, chopping knives, and more. Do you want more details on any of these? (If customer asks about a specific piece tell them the details on that knife found below)
If your customer LOVES the Homemaker+8 but is on the edge... CALL OFFICE FOR APPROVAL for “Friends and Family Discount”
Next is our GALLEY SET...
It’s a perfect starter set and it’ll take care of all your needs... (Explain pieces in set)
As you can see... it has the Paring Knife for the air, Trimmer for small stuff, Spatula for sandwiches, a meat knife, a serving piece, a veggie chopper, and a bread knife. And it still comes with 6 Table Knives. (Compared to the Homemaker +8, the Galley +6 set loses 2 table knives, the butcher, and the carving set.)
It’s a few less knives for a lot less money! Instead of paying $______for the Homemaker Set...
The Galley+6 Set is only $_____ or $_____ per month for 5 months (interest free) (Only $____ per week!)
The basic Galley is only $______ or $______ per month for 5 months (interest free) (Only $____ per week!)
(Have customer write down prices notebook or “wish list”)
BUY NOW BONUS: If you get this set today, I can still include the Kitchen Tools, Entertainer Pack, or Super Shears for free!!
(Ask for the Order): Is that something you’d like to get today?
If Yes: Congratulations! You’re going to love your Cutco! While I write that up let’s look at accessories.
If Unsure: If it makes a difference, we can do something else for free instead! (free items may be substituted for items of equal or lower value)
(If customer is on the edge, feel free to call office for a deal)
If still No: No problem. We also have starter sets... (next slide)
(Can I buy pieces?): Of course! However, our sets are discounted, they’re safer, and you get free stuff. If you don’t mind, I’ll show you our sets and if none of them appeal to you, we can pick out whatever pieces you want!
Step 1: These next two slides show the starter sets...
Great for building up over time and gifts for family and friends
Explain Each Set:
Essentials + 5: This one comes with just the very basics- Paring Knife, Spatula Spreader, Turning Fork, Petite Carver, & Chef Knife
Studio + 4: This is our smallest block set, but still comes with 4 great pieces- Paring Knife, Trimmer, Petite Carver, & Spatula Spreader
(next slide)
Space Saver: This set comes with 5 pieces- Chef Knife, Petite Carver, Trimmer, and two different size Paring knives, and it comes in a unique block that can lean on the counter or be hung on the wall.
All Knife+Kitchenette Trays: These tray sets are great for people who want to keep their knives stored in a drawer. The All Knife comes with the Paring Knife, Trimmer, Chef Knife, Carving Knife, and Spatula Spreader. The Kitchenette comes with the bread knife, Turning Fork, Petite Carver, Paring Knife, and Trimmer.
Gourmet Set: This set has 5 of our specialty knives like a Cleaver, Santoku knife, and a Hardy Slicer and it also comes with a wide blade Vegetable Knife and a Boning Knife... This set is also great for customers who want to upgrade their current Cutco Set and put this block right next to their current block.
Step 2: Out of these starter sets, which combination do you like the best?
Present price of favorite starter set only...
Step 3: That set is only ____ per month for 5 months (which includes tax) or ____ in full.
(Have customer write down prices for the set they like)
Step 4: BUY NOW BONUS & Ask for the Order...
If you get this set today, you can still have the ________________ for free! Is that something you’d be interested in getting today?
(May substitute free item for item of equal value. Can always call manager for help or a deal.)
If yes: Congratulations! You’re going to love Cutco! While I write that up, let’s look at accessories.
If no / unsure: No problem, you can customize your own set. And even with a custom set you can break it up over a few months. Let me show you how it works... (next slide)
Easy-Pay Options 2-Months: $70 minimum order, 3-Months: $200 minimum order, 5-Months: $400 minimum order