1. ENGLISH - The Nordic civilization and the legendary Atlantis…

The Nordic civilization and the legendary Atlantis… from https://yahida.com/en/nordic-civilization-legendary-atlantis/

by Melkir 2021

The Nordic civilization and the legendary Atlantis…

Atlantis, as you all know, is a mythical continent about which many legends around the world tell us. This land of legend, now disappeared, would have been destroyed by a terrible cataclysm, then swallowed in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean.

This cataclysm is the famous biblical Flood of Noah.

All the hypotheses put forward as to the dates of this catastrophe are situated between 13000 and 9000 BC. It is to Plato that we owe most of the descriptions of Atlantis. The Hellenists are convinced that Plato invented it, but the philosophers doubt it, it is not at all his style…

Besides, he is not the only one to speak about it: this disappeared continent haunted the memory of the ancient Egyptians.

Its hieroglyphic name is ” Ahâ-Men-Ptah “.

They located it far to the west. Plato is more precise; for him, this island, the size of a continent, occupied the whole central part of the Atlantic Ocean. Its emerged peaks would be Madeira, the Canaries, the Azores, and Bermuda.

Some 12500 years ago, the axis of the Earth would have tilted, causing a reversal of the poles, creating a terrible planetary cataclysm. On this occasion, Atlantis was annihilated by a series of natural cataclysms to the highest peaks (the Azores are one of the peaks).

In this event, the Egyptians, heirs of the Atlanteans, have rightly called it “The Great Cataclysm”. Such a thing could have been produced by a shock with a meteorite.

The gigantic tsunami that would result from the fall of a celestial body would correspond perfectly to the description of the end of Atlantis reported by Plato: “…there were terrible earthquakes and cataclysms. In the space of a single day and a terrible night (…) the island of Atlantis sank into the sea and disappeared. ”

In the center of the Atlantic, there is only an oceanic ridge, a chain of underwater mountains whose emerging peaks are the Azores and other islands, including Iceland.

Of volcanic origin, the ridges are a key element of plate tectonics. These mountains in a formation run along the bottom of all the oceans. According to geologists, there is no possibility that this Atlantic ridge could have opened up to swallow a continent.

However, there is a strong probability that land has been swallowed in the shallows of the Atlantic.

And here is the proof:

“In 1898, the transatlantic cable from Ireland to Newfoundland broke at the bottom of the ocean at a depth of three thousand meters, eight hundred kilometers off the Azores.

A specialized ship was immediately dispatched to the site to reassemble the cable and repair it. Then, while dredging the bottom to find the cable, the grapple brought up a rock sample from the bottom of the sea that should never have been there.

This rock was indeed tachylite, a kind of vitrified lava that can only crystallize in the open air but never underwater. But tachylite disintegrates in seawater in less than 15,000 years, so the underwater mountain has emerged less than 15,000 years ago. “!

Atlantis was populated by god-men who possessed immense spiritual and technological knowledge. These beings are a good part of the ancient all-powerful gods of most of the ancient peoples of the world.

They had at that time a scientific knowledge that is still thousands of years ahead of ours, they already knew for example how to manipulate gravity. This explains why there are so many ancient representations of UFOs. We can still find, in Hindu sacred texts, a multitude of stories about flying machines of the past.

The Rig-Veda is a good example, which is one of the oldest manuscripts of humanity.

This idea of Atlantean technology will seem very silly to some, but in that case, how can we explain these hundreds of proofs spread all over the world? Are they all fakes? Come on, let’s be serious, we know that it is impossible.

Who are we to question sacred texts from immemorial ages? But in addition to this science, the Atlanteans used the two hemispheres of their brain, contrary to us who use only one, they thus had very great psychic powers.

They knew for example how to use the Vril energy, which allowed them to accomplish extraordinary feats. In particular the construction of the pyramids, Stonehenge, and certain large pre-Columbian cities.

It is their excellent mastery of the Vril that has elevated them to the rank of deities.

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Our great ancestors, the gods, demi-gods, and white giants of whom all religions speak, including the Bible, and who seem to many to be a huge fantasy of the ancient peoples, are nevertheless present in almost all cultures of the globe.

The legendary “white god from heaven” is present everywhere.

One speaks everywhere of these great white gods, blond with blue eyes, who traveled onboard their “chariots of celestial fire” (1).

When Columbus’ men met the pre-Columbian peoples when they arrived in the Americas, they were mistaken for deities who were returning after having been gone for a long time.

Here is a small excerpt about this from Columbus’s journal below:

“My messengers relate that they found after a march of twelve miles, a village which may well have had a thousand inhabitants. The natives received them very well, they were taken into the most beautiful houses and carried in triumph, they kissed their hands and feet, in short, they tried, by all means, to show them that Von knew the white men came from the gods. About fifty men and women begged them to allow them to return with them to this heaven of the eternal gods. ”


But it is not only in legends and beliefs that Atlantis is present. It still exists through the titanic remains of cities, pyramids, temples, underwater buildings, signs of ancient technology…

The pyramids are one of the best pieces of evidence we have of the existence of the Atlantean civilization. There are some in the four corners of the planet, on each continent. They are on the territories of ancient peoples who have never had the slightest contact with each other, and who were far from having the possibility of building such buildings.

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Here are some elements which can have a link with Atlantis :


We too have been able to obtain astonishing details about the Atlantean civilization thanks to a medium: Edgar Cayce, known as the “Sleeping Prophet”.

He is considered one of the greatest mystics in the history of the United States. 95% of his predictions have come true so far. He made many prophecies about the end of our era. In a state of trance, he diagnoses diseases and prescribes treatments.

This trance is a cataleptic sleep, hence his nickname of sleeping prophet. When he comes out of the trance, he has no memory of the patient or the prescribed treatment. Treating all the sick for free, including the incurable, he gave more than 20,000 health readings, with nearly 80% of cures.

The latter had a very large quantity of surprisingly precise visions on what was Atlantis. One of them is extraordinary, he predicted that in 1968, Atlantis, or at least a trace of it, would be discovered near the Bimini Islands. And indeed, in 1968, divers found a small underwater road 70 meters long… Here are two of his visions:

“The position of the continent of Atlantis is located between the Gulf of Mexico on one side and the Mediterranean on the other. The evidence of this lost civilization will be found in the Pyrenees and Morocco on the one hand, in British Honduras, Yucatan, and America on the other. There are still lands that have emerged from what must have been a part of this great continent at one time or another. The British West Indies or the Bahamas, and part of it we can see now if a geological study were made in a few of these places mainly, and in particular, in Bimini and near the Gulf Stream, discoveries could be decisive. ”

“Atlantis, when the people understood the laws of universal forces, the consultant could direct messages through space to other countries, guided the ships and devices of that time…”


Let us end this article with a quote from Edgar Cayce (1929):

“Within about a hundred years, after a series of earthquakes, islands will rise out of the ocean, in the Azores region, and the ruins of Atlantis will be discovered and explored. “

ancients civilizationatlantisnordic civilization
