1. ENGLISH - Atlantis - from The Children of Mu


ATLANTIS has enjoyed only a legendary history up to within a few years.


Research and archaeological discoveries have, however, put her into the class that has a written history, vague it is true at present, at the same time beyond controversy. Every day something new is brought to light about Atlantis. Quite recently records have come to hand proving conclusively that Atlantis is not a myth.


Atlantis was a large continent island situated in the North Atlantic Ocean with North and Central America to the west and Europe and northwest Africa to the east. Atlantis was in existence up to within a few thousand years ago.


Much light has been thrown on this great and important land of past history by the indefatigable work of Schliemann, to whom is due the honor for finally clinching the fact that Atlantis did once exist Plato 400 B. C. relates that Solon said!

"Atlantis was the center of civilization and conquered the whole world.


The most famous of all Athenian exploits was to overthrow the Island of Atlantis. This was a continent lying over against the Pillars of Hercules (Strait of Gibraltar) greater in extent than Libya and Asia Minor put together and was the passageway to other islands and a continent beyond of which the Mediterranean was only the harbor within the Pillars.


The Empire of Atlantis reached to Egypt and to Tyrrhenia. This mighty power arrayed itself against Egypt and the Hellenes and all the countries bordering on the Mediterranean Sea.


Then did Athens bravely, for, at the peril of her own existence and when the other Hellenes had deserted her, she repelled the invader and of her own accord gave liberty to all the nations within the Pillars.


A little while afterwards there was a great earthquake and the island itself disappeared in the sea.

"Poseidon was the founder of Atlantis. A temple was erected to Poseidon. There the people gathered every fifth and sixth year and with sacrifice of bulls swore to observe the Sacred Inscriptions which were carved on the Pillars of the Temple."

Plutarch in his "Life of Solon" says:

"When Solon visited Egypt (600 B.C.) Souchis, a priest of Sais, and Psenophis, a priest of Heliopolis, told him that 9000 years before the relations of the Egyptians with The Lands of the West had been interrupted because of the mud which had made the sea impassable after the destruction of Atlantis and the country beyond by cataclysms and floods."

Solon visited Egypt in 600 B.C. Atlantis sank 9000 years before. Add A.D. 2000 plus 9000 plus 600.


According to this record Atlantis sank 11,500 years ago, but I shall hereafter show that she did not sink to her present level for a long, long time afterwards. I found in an old Greek record that when Atlantis disappeared there were 3000 Athenian soldiers on her, probably an army of occupation. An Egyptian papyrus states that Poseidon was the first king of Atlantis and that he was followed by a long line of Poseidons, thus forming a Poseidon Dynasty.


The crown of Poseidon is shown as having three points, the numeral of the Motherland. His scepter was a trident, again showing Mu to be suzerain. The trident was the form of the Uighur scepter 20,000 years ago and later we find it as the scepter of the Khimers of Cambodia.


Le Plongeon found inscriptions in Yucatan stating:

"The first settlers in Atlantis were a company of Mayas from Mayax," also, "Atlantis was first torn to pieces by earthquakes and then submerged."

In this respect Atlantis' fate was a duplication of the fate of Mu.

According to Dr. Henry Schliemann of ancient Troy fame:

"In the Museum at St. Petersburg, Russia, there is a papyrus roll, one of the oldest known. It was written in the reign of Pharaoh Sent of the Second Dynasty. The papyrus relates that: 'Pharaoh Sent sent out an expedition to the west in search of traces of the Land of Atlantis from whence, 3350 years before, the ancestors of the Egyptians arrived carrying with themselves all of the wisdom of their native land. The expedition returned after five years with the report that they had found neither people nor objects which could give them a clue to the vanished land.'

"Another papyrus in the same Museum by Manetho, the Egyptian priest-historian, gives a reference of a period of 13,900 years as the reign of the Sages (Kings) of Atlantis. This papyrus places the height of the civilization of Atlantis at the very beginning of Egyptian history, approximately 16,000 years ago."

The Sages referred to in this papyrus were the Kings of Atlantis. They reigned 13,900 years. Atlantis disappeared 11,500 years ago. Therefore, Atlantis was governed by a king 25,400 years ago, that is, Atlantis was a kingdom 25,400 years ago.

Dr. Schliemann made some wonderful discoveries about Atlantis which have been published by his grandson Dr. Paul Schliemann:

"When in 1873 I made the excavation of the ruins of Troy at Hissarlik and discovered in the second city the famous treasures of Priam, I found among that treasure a peculiar bronze vase of great size. Within it were several pieces of pottery, various small images of peculiar metal, and objects made of fossilized bone.


Some of these objects and the bronze were engraved in Phoenician hieroglyphics with a sentence which reads:

'From the King Ckronos of Atlantis/One of the objects among the treasures of Priam is a vase with a peculiar owl's head upon it (see Plate VI).

"Among a collection of objects from Tiahuanaco, South America, in the Louvre in Paris is another vase identically the same as I found among the treasures of Priam. It is beyond the range of coincidence for two articles in such widely separated areas as South America and Troy to make two vases of the same shape, the same size, and with curious owl's heads arranged in just the same way."

Another article from the treasures of Priam is a bird sphinx engraved:

"From the King Chronos of Atlantis."

To my mind, there is no question as to what and to whom this bird sphinx refers.


It shows the connection between Atlantis and Mayax. It is an ornament, probably from a piece of statuary in Mayax erected to the memory of Queen Moo. Queen Moo's totem was a macaw. This sphinx has the body of a leopard and the head of a macaw. A sphinx statue was erected in Mayax to Queen Moo's brother husband, Prince Coh. Prince Coh's totem was a leopard. Prince Coh's piece of statuary was a dying leopard and is now in the National Museum, Mexico City.

Dr. Henry Schliemann found an inscription on the Lion Gate, Maycarne, Crete, which relates:

"The Egyptians descended from Misor. Misor was the child of Thoth, the god of history. Thoth was the emigrated son of a priest of Atlantis, who having fallen in love with the daughter of King Chronos, escaped, and after many wanderings landed in Egypt. He built the first temple at Sais and there taught the wisdom of his native land."

This clears up two points in history:

The Troano MS. states that the first colonists who settled on the delta of the Nile were Mayas. As the people came from Atlantis and were Mayas, it shows that at least a part of Atlantis was peopled by Mayas.

Orpheus, a Greek, philosopher, wrote:

"In Chaldea the twin sister of Egypt, daughter of Poseidon, King of the lands beyond the sea and Libya."

Some writers have confused in this sentence "lands beyond the sea" with "The Lands of the West" and from this assumed that Atlantis was Mu, the Motherland. I will correct this error before proceeding further. First I will quote what the priests of Egypt told Solon:

"9000 years before, the relations of the Egyptians with The Land of the West had been interrupted because of the mud that had made the sea impassable since the destruction of Atlantis; i. e., 'the lands beyond the sea.' "

In one of the Oriental temples there is a long history of Atlantis written 20,000 years ago.

I will now stop quoting old Greek and Maya and Egyptian records about Atlantis and give what no one else seems inclined to do - the geological tale of Atlantis which I think is as convincing as any written records.






I will first take you to one of the most inaccessible valleys in Central Asia. In this valley springs one of the headwaters of the Brahmaputra River.


On a large spur from the main range of mountains there is a large secluded monastery. In this monastery there are a great number of very ancient tablets of clay. These tablets have been divided into sections, one of them being on geology and history, going back to the time before the foot of man trod the earth. They have an extended history of Atlantis with a queer map on a tablet about two feet square.


The map shows Atlantis with the contour of the lands around the Atlantic Ocean which are vastly different from today.


I will quote what struck me as being remarkable:

"Atlantis was not always an island. In the days that have gone, before man appeared on earth and great monsters roamed the earth and the seas were filled with monstrous forms, Atlantis was joined to both America, Europe and Africa.1 A great volcanic convulsion took place and the American end was broken and a number of islands formed. Subsequently, another great volcanic convulsion took place on the other side of Atlantis. Land was submerged and a sea formed. Then Atlantis became a great island with water on all sides."

1. I am using the modern names of lands and seas so that anyone can easily locate them.


I have added this bit of very ancient history to show my readers that one never knows what he is going to bring forth when pawing among old cellar-like holes with a foot of dust covering the floor.


It's like deep-sea fishing, you never know what's going to take your hook, it's all a toss-up. Whatever strikes, you haul it in. So, directly your fingers find something solid in the dust, out it comes.

I will now go over the geological phenomena which bear directly and indirectly on the submersion of Atlantis.

First: the bottom or bed of the North Atlantic Ocean is phenomenal. There is an enormous submarine plateau with some short ranges of submarine mountains running through it.


This plateau is known as the Dolphin Ridge. The location of this plateau is between 25 degrees and 50 degrees north latitude and between 20 degrees and 50 degrees west longitude. The Azores Islands are the tops of one of the submarine mountain ranges. At different points along the boundary of this submarine plateau there are perpendicular breaks or walls, thousands of feet in height, giving the appearance as if the roof of a house had fallen in leaving the walls standing.


Other parts of the boundary are sharp declines like the flat roof of a house having broken off on three sides and fallen leaving one side still attached to the top of the wall.

About 600 miles west and a little south from Ireland is to be found one of these walls similar to the illustration in Plate VII. The bed of the ocean here drops suddenly thousands of feet. This I have designated the Irish Wall. Another similar formation is found at the edge of the Caribbean Sea. (See map page 109.)


From the Banks of Newfoundland, marked on the map, there is a southerly slope similar to the roof of a house with a very sharp pitch.


The bottom of the Caribbean Sea is remarkable in itself. It looks as if in some past time there had been a long, supporting wedge under the land keeping it above water, the thick end having been towards the Atlantic Ocean; that this supporting wedge was withdrawn, allowing the land to sink below the level of the waters, leaving long broad stretches of very shallow water over the thin end of the wedge, the shore line waters today.

The plateau itself - the Dolphin Ridge - is nearly level but in places very much broken up and jagged, submarine surveyors tell us, so that at spots it appears to be a confused mass of rocks jumbled together. I have yet to examine any jumbled together or disturbed strata that could not be duplicated by the falling of a flat roof of sufficient thickness and depth to fall.


Fully four-fifths, if not more, of the disturbed stratifications of rocks throughout the world could not have been brought together in their present and confused state by an upheaval. No such confusion and disturbance could be accomplished except by the material falling.

The foregoing are well-defined points in the bottom of the North Atlantic Ocean, showing that at some time in earth's history some very profound volcanic workings changed the topography of the ocean's bed.


My next step will be to show the cause of these profound volcanic workings beneath the North Atlantic Ocean.



On the map, page 109, I have shown The Great Central Gas Belt as it runs from Mu, the Motherland to Asia Minor.


After passing under Mu in two parallels or divisions, it proceeds in an easterly direction under the Pacific Ocean until it reaches Yucatan and Central America. Both divisions split up into parallels before passing under America. The Northern passes under Yucatan, the Southern under Guatemala and Honduras. From America they pass out under the West India Islands. Here the parallels close in together again and form two trunk lines.


The Northern division passes under the Atlantic Ocean to the Azores. There it splits into several parallels. Leaving the Azores these parallels pass on and enter Europe under Spain and Portugal. From the West India Islands the Southern division proceeds under the Atlantic until it reaches the Canary Islands, here it splits into parallels and enters Africa near Morocco, forming the Atlas Mountains.

The two divisions of the Great Central Belt were not forged at the same time, the Southern was formed later than the Northern.


Neither are they at the same depth from the surface of the earth. The Southern is thousands of feet further down in the bowels of the earth and possibly miles. This difference in their depth is confirmed by the fact that when Atlantis was first submerged she only went down deep enough to be awash at low tide so that at low tide mud banks appeared with masses of seaweed which made the Northern Atlantic Ocean impassable to shipping.


This fact is recorded in the temple histories of Egypt. It was only after the Southern division had been forged, which sank her to her present level, that ships could again cross the Atlantic.

Atlantis was in some respects in a similar position to Mu, both lands were being upheld above water by isolated gas chambers, both lay over the pathway of a forming belt. In both cases the isolated chambers were tapped by the forming belt and blown out, in both cases the land went down and was submerged, and, strange to say, the same belt was the double assassin.

From the fact that this great belt was formed where it is and the land above submerged we gather that there must have been a great depth of rock, free of chambers, between the chambers which helped to form the belt, and the isolated chambers which were upholding Atlantis and the Land of Mu. Had chambers existed between the belt chambers and the isolated ones above, these continental lands would have been submerged thousands of years before.


Had no isolated chambers been upholding Mu and Atlantis, there would have been a sufficient thickness of rock over the belt to have formed retaining angles when the gases escaped after uplifting the land.


Then these continents would not have been submerged; instead, mountain ranges would have been raised upon them.

From a geological standpoint there is no date shown when Atlantis was submerged except that it went down when the Great Central Gas Belt was formed under the North Atlantic Ocean. But what geology lacks, history provides and shows us that Atlantis first went down to awash 9500 B.C. and subsequently to where she lies today, Atlantis was a large continent and ultimately went down thousands of feet below the surface of the water. By her sinking an equally big hole was made in the waters in the center of the North Atlantic.


The surrounding waters flowed in to fill up this hole, which drew off the waters from surrounding shores and from all shallow parts because a new lower level to the ocean was formed. Somewhere about this time in the earth's history the Appalachian-Iceland-Scandinavian Belt was formed. This belt commences in the Eastern Southern States, runs up through Labrador in Canada, from Labrador it passes under the Ocean to Greenland, Greenland to Iceland, and Iceland to Northern Europe, then to the Ural Mountains.


This belt has an immense number of ramifications.


The main belt is shown on the map as a broken line. Before this belt was formed there was no break in the land between America and Europe. They were connected by the submerged land shown in a shading and marked A, B and C.


This land is geologically known as "The Overland Route to Europe." During the forging of this belt this land bridge was broken up and parts of it submerged.

The submergence of Atlantis and the "Overland Route" affected, by extension, the coast lines of Eastern America, Western Europe and Northwest Africa. The extension of these coast lines was due to the lowering of the level of the Atlantic Ocean, by taking the water to fill in the abysses made by the sinking of Atlantis and the Overland Route. Not only were the shore lines extended, but where the water was shallow it was drawn off and the land emerged.


Does geology confirm this statement?


It certainly does and as prominent examples I will call attention to:

I have said that geology confirms my statements, so it does but in a reverse way. Poor old geology, it has ever been guilty of putting the cart before the horse. Geology is all right but only hitched up the wrong way.

Geology records,

"a general rise of the Atlantic Coast Line of North America during a recent period in the earth's history, also similar phenomena on the West Coast of North America."

Geologists have apparently based these opinions on the many marine beaches found inland in Eastern North America.


These have been geologically called Champlain beaches. In Europe similar phenomena are found. The geological Champlain Period is a part of the Pleistocene. It was during the Pleistocene that the gas belts were formed and mountains raised and the great submersions of land took place, many stretches of land emerging which had been in shallow water.


When geology states that the present elevations of the Champlain beaches are solely due to the raising of the land, geology is in error.


Their present positions are due to the work of two agencies: the first was the lowering of the level of the oceans, the second was volcanic workings elevating lands in the formation of the gas belt.



The Canary Islands lie over the Southern Atlantic division of the Great Central Gas Belt.


They are situated off the northwest corner of Africa and distant from 60 to 120 miles. They are directly opposite where the belt goes in under Africa - Morocco.

The Canary Islands are of exceedingly great interest when looked upon from a volcanic standpoint. There are many volcanic craters on them, both ancient and modern.


By ancient, I mean they existed before the gas belts were formed and never had any connection with a gas belt.

Some of these ancient craters point directly to the submersion of Atlantis.


The volcano best known on the Canary Islands is the Peak of Teneriffe whose snow-capped head pierces the blue sky at an elevation of 12,000 feet. The ones, however, that are the most interesting to me are: the Grand Caldera, La Palma Island, and the Grand Caldera de Bandama, Grand Canary Island.

The Peak of Teneriffe is a modern volcano having been formed by the gas belt. One crater on Teneriffe Island is questionable - Chahorra. It has many earmarks of the ancient with just as many of the modern. I can find no record of its ever having been in eruption. La Palma Island lies between 50 and 60 miles northwest of Teneriffe, The crater on this island is called "the Grand Caldera."


This crater is unquestionably an ancient one and has never been connected with any gas belt. It is the largest crater that I know of. Its diameter exceeds anything that is found among Pacific Islands. Ancient Kilauea, the monster on the Hawaiian Islands, measures three miles across its mouth while the mouth of the Grand Caldera is between four and five miles across.


The crater has a depth of between 6500 and 7000 feet. An examination of its sides discloses the fact that originally it was not of its present depth and the evidences tend to show that the drop from its original depth was not of a sudden character but took the form of a gradual subsidence. Personally, I believe that when the gases were exhausted and the sides fell together to seal it, the seal was loosely packed. Then time and subsequent earthquake shocks gradually packed and sank the surface to a lower level.


Being an ancient crater, one which was formed by the escaping gases from a gas chamber when overcompressed, it is, to my mind, one of the craters that helped to empty out the gases from under Atlantis and then submerge her, that the Island of La Palma was once a part of Atlantis.

The natives of La Palma Island relate a myth about the Grand Caldera and the Peak of Teneriffe which goes to show that La Palma Island was once a part of Atlantis.


The legend is:

"The Peak of Teneriffe was merely thrown up out of spite by the Grand Caldera during a most terrific volcanic upheaval."

It does not take much thinking to see how this myth originated and the reason.

During the terrific volcanic workings during the formation of the gas belt running underneath these islands, the land which now forms the Peak of Teneriffe lay directly over the forming belt. Here was a line of least resistance. The Peak of Teneriffe was forced up and punctured, so the gases for the time being escaped.

The Grand Caldera being 40 to 50 miles away and in no communication with the forming belt remained inactive. On Grand Canary Island 40 miles to the southeast of Teneriffe there is another ancient crater, a small one only a mile across the mouth. It is called the Grand Caldera de Bandama.


All other craters on the Canary Islands are "modern," all being connected with the gas belt.



The Azore Islands in the North Atlantic Ocean lie directly west of Spain and Portugal.


The Northern division of the Great Central Gas Belt passes directly underneath them. As a matter of fact, the gas belt was the agent which emerged them. They are the tops of a submarine range of mountains that were raised above the water level. When Atlantis went down on the blow-out of the first gas chamber, this land was submerged. When the gas belt formed it raised this stretch of land into mountains, sending their tops above water level.


There is only one thing showing on the Azores that might possibly connect them with Atlantis: The Cavern Furna de Furnao Forge.


This cavern is the remains of an ancient crater that has been placed in another position from the original. What suggests itself to my mind is: this crater was one of many craters employed in emptying out the gases that were upholding Atlantis. When the roof fell it fell pretty flat around this area. Thus the crater would have maintained its original position vertical. (See Fig. I.)


Then when the belt was forming the gases found the least resistance to an uplift at d1.

The surface a was raised to position d2, thus throwing the crater b1, Fig.1, from a vertical to a horizontal position b2, Fig. 2.


In this position it became a cavern, entered from the side of the hill. In giving this little geological sketch I have only touched the high points. A detailed account could be given which would naturally consume a lot of space.


What I have shown, however, seems to me that geology shows the one-time existence of Atlantis.
