
















【分科会①(防災・減災) 】

(★代表校)北海道伊達緑丘高等学校 「火山の災害と恵みを知る学び 」

有珠山は活火山だ。20~30年周期で噴火する。地元の人々から「嘘をつかない山」と言われている。有珠山の地震が、噴火の兆候を教えてくれるからだ。さらに、有珠山は自然の脅威と恵みも教えてくれる。 私たちは、生物の授業で植生遷移を学習するために、何十年も前に噴火したいくつかの場所を巡検した。巡検は、当時のことを理解するタイムトラベルでもあった。本日は、私たちのタイムトラベルを通した学びについてお話しする。

Mt. Usu is an active volcano. It erupts at regular intervals 20-30 years. Locals call it "The mountain that doesn't lie." Because continuous earthquakes around Mt. Usu gives us signs of its eruption. Furthermore, the volcano teaches us the threat and blessings of nature. We went on an excursion to several places where the eruption had occurred decades before to study plant succession in our biology class. This excursion was also a time travel to understand what happened in those days. Today, we will speak about what we have learned and done through our time travel.

新潟県立糸魚川白嶺高等学校 「活火山の新潟焼山を知る!楽しむ!備える!プロジェクト」


Itoigawa Hakurei High School and the Itoigawa UNESCO Global Geopark have been studying Mt. Niigata-Yakeyama, an active volcano in Itoigawa City, as part of the "Disaster Prevention Education Challenge Plan" sponsored by the Cabinet Office, Government of Japan. The Geopark Council has arranged instructors to teach the students about the formation, disasters, and attractions of Niigata-Yakeyama. This presentation will focus on the results of the "Yakeyama Study," which aims to make the eruption of Yakeyama a "personal matter" rather than a "somebody else matter" so that students can be prepared.

高知県立室戸高等学校 「室戸市の防災・減災の取り組み 」


Through the learning activities on disaster prevention and mitigation conducted in Muroto city,We were able to acquire a lot of new knowledge about disaster prevention.On the other hand,I thought that the content of the initiative was not fully communicated to the residents.We realized that it is important not only to exchange opinions with the city hall but also to let the residents know about what we learned through the activities.We want the residents to know what we have learned and raise their awareness of disaster prevention through our activities.

【分科会②(保全活動) 】

高知県立清水高等学校 「トサシミズサンショウウオを守っていこう! 」


We are working on the theme of "Let's protect the salamanders together!" The detailed habitat of the salamander is not open to the public, so there are many restrictions on its activities. Therefore, we are exploring what we can do as a high school student, such as thinking about a transmission method to raise awareness of the salamander, and learning about its ecology with the cooperation of local Geopark promotion facilities.

(★代表校)和歌山県立新宮高等学校 「ゴミが環境に与える影響 」


The objective of study is to investigate the pollution on the local coast. A variety of waste was collected under supervision of experts. We analyzed the types, amount, distribution and origins of the waste. It was mostly made of plastic or styrofoam, which were mainly found around driftwood. It turned out that most waste was from land. It is necessary to take measures to prevent waste from land to the ocean. Individuals should be aware of the 3Rs and participate in cleaning activities. Companies also should reduce the usage of plastics and promote the development and use of biodegradable materials.

鹿児島県立国分高等学校 「霧島温泉の保全・発展 」

霧島市は霧島ジオパークの一角を占める。2021年11月には霧島神宮が国宝に,鹿児島神宮が国の重要文化財に指定されるなど,文化遺産も多い。 霧島地域は温泉が豊富であり,重要な観光資源でもある。温泉の枯渇も心配されるが,持続可能な資源として保全するためにも,温泉の水質調査を行い,散布図を作成するなど調査を行った。 調査結果を踏まえて,自然・文化両方の資源を有する霧島地域の課題を整理し,魅力の発信に繋げる。

Kirishima is rich in hot springs, and they are one of the city’s most important tourist resources. However, there is a concern that the hot springs in Kirishima could dry up. In order to preserve this precious resource from disappearing, we examined the elements found in the spring water and made a scatter plot showing the distribution. We believe that Kirishima is a fascinating place due to both its cultural and natural landmarks. Using the results of our research, we will address the problems we discovered in Kirishima and try to attract more people to visit this beautiful area.

島根県立隠岐高等学校 「ガンガゼの駆除について 」


As our project for our Geopark Research class, we are searching for methods to solve the problem of a decrease in seaweed beds due to rocky-shore denudation. One of the primary factors is the Diadema setosum, a species of sea urchin which eats seaweed. In order to prevent feeding damage to seaweed beds, we are creating a prototype of a low-cost, easy-to-use device that will capture D. setosum. We took into consideration the characteristics of the species during the development process. We are also considering ways to utilize D. setosum after capture.


鹿児島県立霧島高等学校 「霧島ジオパークと観光振興 」

こんにちは。鹿児島県を代表する観光地にある霧島高校です。 霧島は,1934年に日本で最初に霧島錦江湾国立公園として指定され,2010年には日本ジオパークに認定されました。霧島連山の火山の影響を受けた様々な観光ポイントがあります。 私たちは,今回の会議を通して他の学校の取組を学び,今後の地域貢献活動に生かしていきたいと思いますので,よろしくお願いします。

Hello. Kirishima High School is located in a sightseeing spot representing Kagoshima Prefecture. Kirishima was designated as Kirishima Kinkowan National Park in1934 and was designated as a Japan Geopark in2010. There are various tourist points influenced by the volcano of the Kirishima mountain range. Through this conference, we would like to learn about the efforts of other schools and make use of them in future community contribution activities, so thank you.

(★代表校)高知県立室戸高等学校 「ジオパークツアーにおけるUD ~食べて触って聞くジオパーク~」


Muroto High School offers a variety of learning opportunities as an integrated course, and the "Geopark Studies", in which students study and present their research on the Muroto UGGp, is one of the unique subjects. This year, the students collaborated with the "Communication Skills" class in the Welfare department to plan a guided tour of Muroto City for the visually impaired, taking advantage of their expertise. In addition, we incorporated the perspective of universal design to make it accessible for everyone to learn about the charms of the City.

徳島県立池田高等学校 「中学生へむけたオンラインジオツアーをとおして見えてきたこと


Mino area is attractive for geotourism of the Miyoshi geopark planning. However, this area does not have regular geo-tours and guide community. In this time, we planned and executed a geo-tour of Mino area for 30 Mino junior high school students and teachers by using online. Mino junior high school students are very eager in geoeducation more than we thought. In this presentation, we report about geo-tour of Mino area by using online.


