Knowledge must be recreated through participation and cross-pollination. Learning leads to social inclusion and intellectual openness. I am a learner who believes in radical alternatives and forensic approaches to teaching and research. I am open to opportunities for learning to excel in my intellectual journey. - Munir Moosa


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I do not consider teaching as a profession rather a reflective journey that leads to optimism, improvement, selfless devotion and life-long learning. Teachers are the symbol of altruism...Their prime concern is to explore teaching identity, and help self and others' grow ethically and intellectually (Extracted from Munir's Teacher Identity Model)

Munir is a University Teacher and Global Socio-Educational Theorist. 

He holds a Ph.D. in Education. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor of Education at Sindh Madressatul Islam University- a public-sector university. He is also a founding Volunteer Director of the Global Forum for Teacher Educators, where he promotes complementary peace education to disadvantaged communities, including children, youth, women, and adults of varied demographics. 

Munir has received a few accolades and honors. He has been the recipient of the Charles Wallace Trust Fellowship UK (Open University UK) 2023, UNESCO APCEIU Micro-Project Winner 2023, Presidency of Turks and Related Communities (YTB) Research Fellowship at Istanbul Zaim University 2021, Remote Fellowship International Rescue Committee USA and University of Lagos 2021, a full bursary to attend GEI Summer School 2016, the Ninth Pan-Commonwealth Forum (PCF9) 2019, and the Inter-GLAM bursary holder for the European Conference on Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies (Lisbon Addictions) 2022. Additionally, he has received the Commonwealth Distance Education Scholarship 2017 and has served as a Visiting Academic Scholar at the Humboldt University of Berlin and the University of California, Berkeley.

In 2023, Munir won the British Council's Social Impact Award for his loglocal educational model titled socioecoethical model of human rights education. 

He has authored a few research papers, led five international research projects, and published five open e-books. Munir has also delivered free guest lectures at various global institutes, including the United Nations Science Summit, The Open University, UK, the School of Education at UC Berkeley, Adult School Berkeley, Northampton University UK, and Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany.

He has proposed several free innovative models, including Munir's socioecoethical model of human rights education (endorsed by UNESCO, MGEIP, The Open University, UK; Northampton University UK; proposed in the UNODC meeting, 19-21 Oct 2020; adapted for the Nigerian University to design Human Rights Education Course), Munir's permeable digital networking model (Sadruddin, 2019), Munir's digital taxonomy of learning (Sadruddin, 2019), Munir's model of teachers' identity exploration (Sadruddin, 2020- recognized by the Open University UK), Munir's model of sustainable education during uncertain times (Sadruddin, 2021), ESteam Education - a Replacement of STEM and STEAM education (Sadruddin, 2021), Munir's convergent model of reality (Sadruddin, 2021), Munir and Nuket bud, petals, and thorns model of inclusivity (August 2021), Munir's socio-ethrical model of inclusivity (August 2021) [proposed in Turkish Presidency Report, 2021], Munir's socio-eco-environmental approach to environmental education for communities living under unprecedented emergencies (proposed in GEI, 2021), Munir's scatter plotter and human trilogy theory, Munir's minimal intelligence theory, Munir's Chameleon model of leadership, and Munir's double iceberg model (2022), and coined the term Ethrical thinking, intellectual charity/barter system, and loglocal pedagogy of global education.

In research, he introduced the concept of layered tripartite consent model- an ethrical disposition in research and developmental policy formulation plan. 

He is the first Asian to have educated more than half a million teachers towards human rights education and digital learning during COVID-19 for free via a volunteer platform to promote Open Education. He uses a radically alternative approach in academia through sustainable open educational praxis.

He has completed over 100 free independent social projects including Shopping for Social Change, Animal Rights Literacy,  Elderly Literacy, Education for the Disabled Community, Global Citizenship Education, and Special Dreamers. 

He also piloted the first free mental health awareness culturally contextual website 'Healing Souls' for the well-being of young Pakistani women. and has counseled more than 50,000 people belonging to marginalized communities in the past.

His areas of interest include global education, edupreneurship, neurotechnology, global citizenship education, inclusive education, education of disabled people, environmental education, human behavior, emotional literacy, mental health education, gender studies, mental health education, social work, peace studies, drug literacy, multiculturalism, education for justice, education in the conflicted areas, elderly literacy, human identity, global education policies, Open Educational Resources and Practices [ICT based learning], digital literacy, refugee education, low-cost technology, and global issues about human rights.

You can reach Munir via the following social networking links facebook:  



At Brunswick, Georg Eckert Institute, Human Rights Education Summer School, 2016

British Council,  2023

Website conceptualized and designed by: Dr. Munir Moosa