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Nesta página recolhemos as principais publicações sobre tradução automática e literacia. Para importar a lista abaixo diretamente para o seu gestor de referências (p. ex. Zotero), descarregue e importe este ficheiro.

Bavendiek, Ulrike. 2022. “Using Machine Translation as a Parallel Text to Access Literature for Modern Language Learning.” In Innovative Language Teaching and Learning at University: Facilitating Transition from and to Higher Education, edited by Sandra Salin and Cathy Hampton, 1st ed., 57–67.

Berger, Yotam. 2017. “Israel Arrests Palestinian Because Facebook Translated ‘Good Morning’ to ‘Attack Them.’” Haaretz, October 22, 2017.

Bouillon, Pierrette, Johanna Gerlach, Hervé Spechbach, Nikos Tsourakis, and Sonia Halimi. 2017. “BabelDr vs Google Translate: A User Study at Geneva University Hospitals (HUG).” In 20th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT). Prague, Czech Republic.

Bowker, Lynne. 2019. “Machine Translation Literacy as a Social Responsibility.” In Proceedings of the Language Technologies for All (LT4All), 104–7. Paris.

Bowker, Lynne. 2020. “Machine Translation Literacy Instruction for International Business Students and Business English Instructors.” Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship 25 (1–2): 25–43.

Bowker, Lynne. 2020. “Chinese Speakers’ Use of Machine Translation as an Aid for Scholarly Writing in English: A Review of the Literature and a Report on a Pilot Workshop on Machine Translation Literacy.” Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies 7 (3): 288–98.

Bowker, Lynne. 2021. “Promoting Linguistic Diversity and Inclusion: Incorporating Machine Translation Literacy into Information Literacy Instruction for Undergraduate Students.” The International Journal of Information, Diversity, & Inclusion (IJIDI) 5 (3).

Bowker, Lynne, and Jairo Buitrago Ciro. 2019. Machine Translation and Global Research: Towards Improved Machine Translation Literacy in the Scholarly Community. First edition. Bingley: Emerald Publishing.

Cambedda, Giulia, Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio, and Viviana Nosilia. 2021. “A Study on Automatic Machine Translation Tools: A Comparative Error Analysis Between DeepL and Yandex for Russian-Italian Medical Translation.” Umanistica Digitale, September, 139-163 Pages.

Chang, Li-Ching. 2022. “Chinese Language Learners Evaluating Machine Translation Accuracy.” The JALT CALL Journal 18 (1): 110–36.

Delorme Benites, Alice, Sara Cotelli Kureth, Caroline Lehr, and Elizabeth Steele. 2021. “Machine Translation Literacy: A Panorama of Practices at Swiss Universities and Implications for Language Teaching.” In CALL and Professionalisation: Short Papers from EUROCALL 2021, edited by Naouel Zoghlami, Cédric Brudermann, Cédric Sarré, Muriel Grosbois, Linda Bradley, and Sylvie Thouësny, 1st ed., 80–87.

Dorst, Aletta G., Susana Valdez, and Heather Bouman. 2022. “Machine Translation in the Multilingual Classroom: How, When and Why Do Humanities Students at a Dutch University Use Machine Translation?” Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts 8 (1): 49–66.

Ducar, Cynthia, and Deborah Houk Schocket. 2018. “Machine Translation and the L2 Classroom: Pedagogical Solutions for Making Peace with Google Translate.” Foreign Language Annals 51 (4): 779–95.

Ehrensberger-Dow, Maureen. 2022. “Exploring the Role of MT in Science News Flows.” Congress presentation presented at the 10th EST Congress, Oslo, June 22.

Escartín, Carla Parra, Sharon O’Brien, Marie-Josée Goulet, and Michel Simard. 2017. “Machine Translation as an Academic Writing Aid for Medical Practitioners.” In Proceedings of MT Summit XVI, 1:254–67. Nagoya.

Gilster, P. 1997. Digital Literacy. Wiley. 

Gomes, Larissa, Ruan Oliveira, Janine Pimentel, and Rhuan Rodrigues da Silva. 2021. “Ideologias sobre tradução automática em sala de aula de inglês: o caso da produção escrita no CLAC-UFRJ.” Revista Indisciplina em Linguística Aplicada 2 (1): 5–30.

Kenny, Dorothy, Joss Moorkens, and Félix do Carmo. 2020. “Fair MT: Towards Ethical, Sustainable Machine Translation.” Translation Spaces 9 (1): 1–11.

Khoong, Elaine C., and Jorge A. Rodriguez. 2022. “A Research Agenda for Using Machine Translation in Clinical Medicine.” Journal of General Internal Medicine 37 (5): 1275–77.

Klekovkina, Vera, and Laurence Denié-Higney. 2022. “Machine Translation: Friend or Foe in the Language Classroom?” L2 Journal 14 (1).

Klimova, Blanka, Marcel Pikhart, Alice Delorme Benites, Caroline Lehr, and Christina Sanchez-Stockhammer. 2022. “Neural Machine Translation in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning: A Systematic Review.” Education and Information Technologies, July.

Lee, Sangmin-Michelle. 2020. “The Impact of Using Machine Translation on EFL Students’ Writing.” Computer Assisted Language Learning 33 (3): 157–75.

———. 2022. “An Investigation of Machine Translation Output Quality and the Influencing Factors of Source Texts.” ReCALL 34 (1): 81–94.

Lee, Sangmin-Michelle, and Neil Briggs. 2021. “Effects of Using Machine Translation to Mediate the Revision Process of Korean University Students’ Academic Writing.” ReCALL 33 (1): 18–33.

Loock, Rudy, and Sophie Léchauguette. 2021. “Machine Translation Literacy and Undergraduate Students in Applied Languages: Report on an Exploratory Study.” Tradumàtica: Tecnologies de La Traducció, no. 19 (December): 204–25.

Loock, Rudy, Sophie Léchauguette, and Benjamin Holt. 2022. “Dealing with the ‘Elephant in the Classroom’: Developing Language Students’ Machine Translation Literacy.” Australian Journal of Applied Linguistics. 

Mehandru, Nikita, Samantha Robertson, and Niloufar Salehi. 2022. “Reliable and Safe Use of Machine Translation in Medical Settings.” In 2022 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, 2016–25. Seoul Republic of Korea: ACM.

Niño, Ana. 2020. “Exploring the Use of Online Machine Translation for Independent Language Learning.” Research in Learning Technology 28 (0).

Nugraha, Deni Sapta, and Ratna Dewanti. 2022. “English-Indonesian Crisis Translation: Accuracy and Adequacy of Covid-19 Terms Translated by Three MT Tools.” RESEARCH RESULT Theoretical and Applied Linguistics 8 (1).

Nurminen, Mary, and Maarit Koponen. 2020. “Machine Translation and Fair Access to Information.” Translation Spaces 9 (1): 150–69.

O’Brien, Sharon, and Maureen Ehrensberger-Dow. 2020. “MT Literacy—A Cognitive View.” Translation, Cognition & Behavior 3 (2): 145–64.

O’Hagan, Minako, ed. 2020. The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Technology. Routledge Handbooks in Translation and Interpreting Studies. London ; New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

Patil, S., and P. Davies. 2014. “Use of Google Translate in Medical Communication: Evaluation of Accuracy.” BMJ 349 (dec15 2): g7392–g7392.

Pym, Anthony, Nune Ayvazyan, and Jonathan Prioleau. 2022. “Can Raw Machine Translation Ensure Inclusion? The Case of Public-Health Information in Catalonia.” In . València.

Ryu, Jieun, Young Ae Kim, Seojin Park, Seungmin Eum, Sojung Chun, and Sunyoung Yang. 2022. “Exploring Foreign Language Students’ Perceptions of the Guided Use of Machine Translation (GUMT) Model for Korean Writing.” L2 Journal 14 (1).

Turner, Anne M., Margo Bergman, Megumu Brownstein, Kate Cole, and Katrin Kirchhoff. 2014. “A Comparison of Human and Machine Translation of Health Promotion Materials for Public Health Practice: Time, Costs, and Quality.” Journal of Public Health Management and Practice 20 (5): 523–29.

Turner, Anne M, Kristin N Dew, Loma Desai, Nathalie Martin, and Katrin Kirchhoff. 2015. “Machine Translation of Public Health Materials From English to Chinese: A Feasibility Study.” JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 1 (2): e17.

Vieira, Lucas Nunes. 2020. “Machine Translation in the News: A Framing Analysis of the Written Press.” Translation Spaces 9 (1): 98–122.

Vieira, Lucas Nunes, Minako O’Hagan, and Carol O’Sullivan. 2021. “Understanding the Societal Impacts of Machine Translation: A Critical Review of the Literature on Medical and Legal Use Cases.” Information, Communication & Society 24 (11): 1515–32.

White, Kelsey D., and Emily Heidrich. 2013. “Our Policies, Their Text: German Language Students’ Strategies with and Beliefs about Web-Based Machine Translation.” Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German 46 (2): 230–50.

Wiesinger, Claudia. 2022. “Post-Editing Machine Translation (PEMT): A Viable Option for Crisis Translation?” Congress presentation presented at the 10th EST Congress, Oslo, June 22.