Online Resources

Below are websites we consider to be helpful for any type of student when studying or doing research for projects. Press the underlined link to immediately access the resource. 

Remember, one of the best ways to study is by turning off your electronic devices. If you are using these resources, turn off your social media notifications to minimize distractions.


Quizlet: Create flashcards and use already-made flashcards for test practice

Khan Academy: Having troubles understanding a concept? Khan Academy has tutorial videos for everything from Math and Physics to History

Provincial Practice Exams: Complete practice exams to study for any provincials or final exams you may have


EasyBib: A bibliography generator for finishing off any assignment

BibMe: Another bibliography generator


No Fear Shakespeare: Translates Shakespeare's plays into modern language for better understanding

Duolingo: Having troubles in Spanish or French? Use duolingo to improve your language skills

Prezi: A unique and easy to use software for creating classroom presentations

Google Calculator: If you don't have a calculator handy, this one works much better than the one on a phone

Additional Resources

How to Deal with Test Anxiety                       Weekly Study Planner                               Study Tips (YouTube video)

Exam Prep Tips                                                     Exam Questions                        Write an English Paper (YouTube video)