Why Peer Tutoring?

Mount Douglas' peer tutors are available to help you with all of your academic needs and assist with homework, test preparation and studying skills. We offer after school drop-in sessions, tutor pairings, and math support; Monday to Friday. 

Peer tutoring is proven to enhance learning and helps numerous Mount Douglas students every day, so don't hesitate to stop by for any academic assistance!

Why Choose Peer Tutoring?

1. Experienced Help

The tutors working with you will have already completed the class, so they have experience with the material. They can offer valuable tips, tricks, and strategies, as well as advice on how to get the best mark possible. They can also discuss project ideas or offer insight on a upcoming test. 

2. Second Pair of Eyes

No matter how many times you checked your work, a look from a peer tutor can't hurt. Everybody makes mistakes! Don't let a forgotten comma or omitted negative cost you.

3. Available for Any Subject

With our program's 20+ members, there's someone to help with nearly any course offered at Mount Doug, regardless of grade level. From IT 9/10 to Physics 12, there should be someone for you!

4. Laid-back Environment

Peer tutoring offers a relaxed, helpful, and positive environment. There is no need for an appointment, just stop by! Plus, snacks are provided.