Reading & Library


Lately children have discovered that with their phonics knowledge, they can read words in texts and books. They have identified snap words in the lyrics of the song "Autumn leaves are falling down" and then with the poem "Pat the cat". Children have managed to read so many words of the -at family!

We have also enjoyed our new reading area in the new and improved Group 2B classroom.


We have started reading buddies with Ms. Lena's class. Our 'older' friends read and share new books and group 2 children read the pictures of a story and retell the story in their own words. It is such a magical moment as our children have a peer model demonstrating reading skills and they are eager to read to older friends. Both groups look forward to Thursday Reading Buddies!

Library - Choosing a Good Fit Book

IPICK acronym - we have been practicing looking for books in the library by picking up a book, flipping through the pages, and using the IPICK 5 finger rule.

I - I choose the book.

P - Purpose - What is the purpose of me choosing this book? (e.g. enjoyment, to learn something new, research, etc.)

I - Interested - Am I interested in what it is about?

C - Can read most of the words and pictures?

K - I know the words and understand what I am reading.

Library - Choosing a Good Fit Book