
Essentially, patriarchy is a social organization where men are given more power than other genders. Through these structures and practices, men enjoy more privileges than other genders in society.

"Peace in patriarchy is war against women."

- Maria Miles

Patriarchal Ideology

When we refer to patriarchy, we are referring to social structures and practices that disproportionately benefit men. However, when we refer to the beliefs or ideas that justify and maintain patriarchy, we are talking about patriarchal ideology. Fundamentally, patriarchal ideology is a belief in biological essentialism: that men are born with superior qualities to women. Put differently, patriarchal ideology is the cultural mindset that privileges men over other genders.

Consider the situation regarding maternity leave in most countries. Typically, after a child has been born, a mother will be given more time off than a father. This is an example of patriarchy because this policy restricts women: it suggests that it's their place to stay at home, and it negatively impacts their chances of promotion by taking them out of work. The belief that justifies this practice is that it's a woman's role to raise children and that men are better providers. This is an example of patriarchal ideology.