Learn about the various elements of literature and how they interact with one another. See what makes literature transcend across space and time and how timeless themes are developed. Understand the significance of plot, tone, characters, setting, symbolism, and point of view.

Rethink how and why authors use language. Appreciate the power and effect that language can have on an audience. Learn how language can develop theme at its smallest parts. Use various strategies of analyzing stylistic choices from diction to metaphors to anaphora to personification.

Utilize the tools of language and literature analysis by applying them to the real world around you! Whether listening to the rhetoric found in speech, or reading an article with a particular agenda, use these tools to help you analyze non fiction literature.

Language and Literature classes go beyond just analyzing novels, poems, newspaper articles, and other standard literary and non-literary texts. In our study of literature, did you know we can also analyze and interpret movies and TV shows, comic books and graphic novels, photography, and stage plays. Find out how to apply our analysis models to these texts and how to use the specific terminology on these pages.