At Crash Course, we believe that high quality educational videos should be available to everyone for free!

The Crash Course team has produced more than 32 courses on a wide variety of subjects, including organic chemistry, literature, world history, biology, philosophy, theater, ecology, and many more!

In 8 episodes, John Green dives into literature! The analyses and books chosen in this course are based on introductory college-level curriculum and the AP Literature guidelines. By the end of this course, you will be able to:

*Use characters and setting to explore a range of values, beliefs, assumptions, biases, and cultural norms

*Discuss the role of the narrator and how their perspective affects how readers experience and interpret a text

*Recognize comparisons, representations, and associations that invite readers to interpret a text

*Explain the function of significant events in a plot, as well as the contributions of structure, sequence, contrast, and conflict

*Employ different lenses and focal points to read a text multiple ways and recognize the glorious ambiguity of literature

*Discuss how different texts employ time as a theme

In 16 episodes, John Green discusses more literature! The analyses and books chosen in this course are based on introductory college-level curriculum and the AP Literature guidelines. By the end of this course, you will be able to:

*Use characters and setting to explore a range of values, beliefs, assumptions, biases, and cultural norms

*Discuss the role of the narrator and how their perspective affects how readers experience and interpret a text

*Recognize comparisons, representations, and associations that invite readers to interpret a text

*Explain the function of significant events in a plot, as well as the contributions of structure, sequence, contrast, and conflict

*Employ different lenses and focal points to read a text multiple ways and recognize the glorious ambiguity of literature

*Discuss how different texts explore the themes of mortal and divine justice, and the perpetual cycle of violence

In 9 episodes, John Green reads even more literature! The analyses and books chosen in this course are based on introductory college-level curriculum and the AP Literature guidelines. By the end of this course, you will be able to:

*Use characters and setting to explore a range of values, beliefs, assumptions, biases, and cultural norms

*Discuss the role of the narrator and how their perspective affects how readers experience and interpret a text

*Recognize comparisons, representations, and associations that invite readers to interpret a text

*Explain the function of significant events in a plot, as well as the contributions of structure, sequence, contrast, and conflict

*Employ different lenses and focal points to read a text multiple ways and recognize the glorious ambiguity of literature

*Discuss how different texts explore the theme of “self” and how it is made

In 15 episodes, Michael Aranda will teach you about film criticism! This course is based on an introductory college level curriculum and will teach by analyzing 15 films from different genres, directors, years, and countries. By the end of the course, you will be able to:

* Acknowledge both the subjective and objective reasons that make a film "great" or "not great"

* Apply different critical lenses to any film that you watch

* Understand how filmmakers make choices that enhance the stories they're trying to tell

* Analyze films and their messages within the context of society, history, psychology, and the landscape of cinema