Second international conference on L2 listening 


The second international conference on L2 listening will take place on May 18 and 19 2021 as a virtual event.  

For more information scan the QR code of the conference or visit the website here

Remote Listening workshops for high-schoolers


As part of our Fondecyt Regular project, 11 graders from Liceo Parroquial San Antonio (Viña del Mar), el Colegio Nacional (Villa Alemana ) y la Escuela Técnico Profesional de Copiapó (Copiapó) actively participated of English workshops taught by our team members Kimberley Puentes and Belén Cáceres.  

These instances allowed the participating 11th graders to interact with computer-based listening materials to deepen their learning of English and to the leaders of the English Workshops to strengthen their language teaching skills in remote environments.

Handbook Including technology-enhanced listening

Free materials for busy teachers

Back in 2020, as language teachers were forced to move their teaching online, together with my research team, we launched the "Hanbook Including technology-enhanced listening in your language lessons"  in May 2020. The handbook contains activities to be used in online classrooms. This handbook is primarily addressed to middle and high school language teachers, pre-service teachers, and university professors in charge of language teacher education programs. It is written in plain language to address a variety of audiences interested in integrating technology-based listening into their lessons or including listening activities/lessons into their remote teaching.

You can access it for free here

First international conference on L2 listening


The First International Conference on L2 listening: challenges teaching and researching listening (ICLL-2017) was a one-day academic event that took place on May 18th, 2017. The academic event brought together two keynote speakers and 21 speakers specialists in L2 listening teaching and research. A total of 19 papers were presented in three formats: Research and Development, Workshops, Reflective Practice and E-posters. 

The keynote speakers were Dr Paul Gruba from the University of Melbourne and Dr Janaina Cardoso from the Universidad do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. 

Moreover, the presenters included 4 international speakers from Colombia, Perú and Argentina and 19 national speakers, 7 coming from cities outside the fifth region such as Antofagasta, Puerto Montt, Iquique, Concepción y Santiago, and 8 speakers from the fifth region coming from universities such as Santo Tomás, Andrés Bello, Playa Ancha & PUCV. The four presenters that shared their action research projects on L2 listening were last-year students from PUCV. 

We received a total of 105 attendees from which 21 were alumni, 35 were from cities outside the fifth region and 14 were mentor teachers that collaborate on a regular basis with Carrera de Pedagogía en Inglés.