Welcome to the ICLL-2021 Conference!

May 19-20, 2021

The Second International Conference on L2 Listening (ICLL) hosted by the English Language & Teaching (ELT) program at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (PUCV) aims to promote the dissemination of completed work and work-in-progress of research studies, pedagogical reflections, classroom-based listening research, and successful practices in the area of L2 listening worldwide. Through this virtual event we want to encourage discussion, generate new knowledge, and share ideas with the goal of expanding understanding in the interdisciplinary subject areas of L2 listening. Certainly, ICLL-2021 will offer you a remarkable opportunity. We look forward to seeing you online!

Conference themes and topics

The theme for the ICLL-2021 is Challenges and opportunities of working with technology-enhanced listening,” but presentations in any of the following associated themes are welcomed:

  • Individual differences and L2 listening

  • Metacognition in L2 listening

  • Listening strategies

  • Listening and special needs

  • Technologies for L2 listening

  • Differentiation and L2 listening

  • Multimodality and L2 listening

  • Use of authentic materials for L2 listening

  • Tasks design in L2 listening

  • Pronunciation and L2 listening

  • Flipped learning and L2 listening

  • Textual support in L2 listening

  • Listening assessment in L2 listening

Keynote speakers

Ghent University, Belgium

Multimodal input in technology-enhanced listening

Western University, Canada

Technology in L2 listening assessment: Current trends and future directions

Stanford University, USA

Listening and Language Learning: Moving beyond the Classroom

Types of presentations

We extend a cordial invitation to submit a contribution. Your proposal should be in English in any of the four types. To see a complete description, please visit conference information.

Research and development


  • Synchronous workshop

  • Asynchronous workshop

Reflective practice

Classroom-based listening research

Call for proposals: closed

Important dates

- First call for proposals: January 13th

- Second call for proposals: February 15th

- Deadline for abstract submission: Feb 25th

- Notification of acceptance: April 1st

- Corrected abstract submission: April 8th

- Deadline to submit recorded workshops and classroom-based listening research videos: May 5th

- Registration opens: April 16th

- Registration closes: May 17th

- Conference day: May 19th - 20th

Scientific committee

Dr. Paul Gruba, The University of Melbourne, Australia

Dr. Masatoshi Sato, Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile and Anaheim University, USA

Dr. Carolina Bernales, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile

Dr. John Levis, Iowa State University, USA

Dr. Janaina Cardoso, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Dr. Melba Libia Cárdenas, Universidad Nacional, Colombia

Dr. Stephanie Díaz, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile

Dr. Mohammed Mohsen, Najran University, Saudi Arabia

Dr. Joseph Siegel, Örebro University, Sweden

Organizing committee

Fondecyt 1191804

Dr. Mónica S. Cárdenas-Claros (Chair)

Kimberley P. Dassonvalle

Paula Rodríguez-Arias

Manuel Ríos-Cittadini

Belén Cáceres-Ramírez

Natalia Roldán-Mora

Claudia Aliaga-Vivar

Daniela Ramírez

Jimmy Vera-Saavedra

Diego Vargas-Quero

Program committee

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Dr. Jannett Fonseca

Dr. Katharina Glas

Mg. Husim Espinoza

Mg. Enzo Pescara

Mg. Paola King

Mg. Sebastián Adaros

Mg. Tania Hunt