Multimodal input in technology-enhanced listening

Maribel Montero-Pérez


The last decade has witnessed an increasing number of studies into the role of multimodal input (e.g., video, subtitled video, captioned video) for second language learning. This is not surprising since L2 multimodal input is easily available (e.g., DVD, YouTube, TV, streaming services) and it offers valuable opportunities for exposure to L2 input outside the formal classroom context (e.g., Lindgren & Muñoz, 2013). In addition, the combination of different input modalities such as imagery, audio, and text has been found to stimulate various aspects of L2 learning such as listening and vocabulary. In this talk, I will use examples of studies that I was recently involved in as well as other recent research to address the use and effectiveness of multimodal input for promoting L2 listening. More particularly, I will present findings on the effectiveness of different types of on-screen text such as captions (i.e., L2 subtitles), keyword captions, and glossed captions (which provide access to word meaning) for L2 listening comprehension and speech decoding. I will also focus on the role of input-related variables (e.g., imagery, amount of exposure) and learner-related variables (e.g., prior knowledge). In order to conclude this presentation, I will highlight a number of pedagogical implications that emerge from this research (e.g., Montero Perez, 2019) as well as avenues for future research.


Maribel Montero-Pérez is an assistant professor in the Department of Linguistics at Ghent University (Belgium) where she teaches courses on language teaching methodology and research methods for second language acquisition. She has published numerous articles on the role of different types of multimodal input for second/foreign language learning. More particularly, she investigates the role of subtitled and captioned video for L2 listening comprehension and vocabulary learning. Her research has been published in, amongst others, the Modern Language Journal, Studies in Second Language Acquisition, Language Learning & Technology, Computer assisted Language Learning, Calico journal, and System. She was guest-editor (with Michael Rodgers, Carleton University, Canada) of a special issue on video and language learning for the Language Learning Journal.