

You are cordially invited to submit a proposal to the Second International Conference on L2 listening: Challenges and opportunities of working with technology-enhanced listening, which will be hosted as a virtual conference by Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaiso, Valparaíso, Chile, on May 19th and 20th. Before submitting an abstract, please familiarize with the types of presentations and read the complete call for proposals here.

Do not forget to submit your abstract before February 25th, 2021.

Types of presentations

We extend a cordial invitation to submit a contribution. Contributions may include work-in-progress, completed work or theory-based and/or empirically-based proposals. They should focus on language learning and teaching contexts and serve as contributions to the field of technology-enhanced listening. The contribution should be in English in any of the three types:

Research and development: an oral summary that discusses the presenters’ empirical work in relation to underlying theories. This type of session will be scheduled in concurrent slots. This session should be presented live with a maximum of 3 speakers and 10 of the 30 minutes should be reserved for audience Q&A.

Reflective practice: this format encourages classroom teachers to share a technique for teaching listening/assessing, criteria for materials selection and/or development. This type of session will be scheduled in concurrent slots. This session should be presented live with a maximum of 2 speakers. The theory underlying the technique should be presented in the first 7 minutes.

Workshop: a hands-on professional development activity. The leader helps participants develop a specific teaching or research technique. Electronic handouts are expected to be shared with the audience. This type of session will be scheduled in concurrent slots. This session should be presented live with a maximum of 2 speakers. Workshops can be of two types: synchronous or asynchronous.

  • Synchronous workshop: Presentation will be given through Zoom platform. Attendees will join at a specific time, allowing for real time participation.

  • Asynchronous workshop: Recorded presentation will be uploaded to the conference YouTube channel to be visited by participants at their convenience.

  • Classroom-based listening research: 10-12 minute video-based presentation about a potential research project in the area of listening. Once the proposal is accepted, you will need to submit your video.

Once you are ready with the information, please submit your abstract here or download this file and send it to ideasforlistening@gmail.com no later than February 25th, 2021.