Business Consulting / Development Group

Invest in Mongolia Guidelines & Assets | Mongolian Asset Management & Holdings

Venture Capital Fund - Mongolia


COVID 19 Announcement

Dear customers, consumers, guests,

These days when the world is facing a very serious varying health and Economical Crisis - The COVID 19 Pandemic (spread from 31 Dec. 2019), We at GMNI company reach out for you - to say, "Do not panic", take the right precautions/safety measures, and try to adapt and learn. The world is changing fast, what we used to know - is nowadays part of our past, understand that risks are always there and we need to take new measures to be aware and ready. Your business is strong, don't give up, let us find the solution that will help you to find back your customers in new paths.

You decided to work with us, we are the best in our field, and we want to say "Thank you" for choosing us over others.

Thanks to our invested efforts to adopt, learn and move forward without forget or letting go of the idea that made this company, we created a loyal, dedicated professional team to work with you and for you.

There is no doubt that GMNI is here to help you in this difficult time

We are by nature optimistic and look forward to working with you just as we have done every day.

Stay safe, keep your distance, use masks, sanitize, and don't forget we are here for you in a time of crises and success.

We are a Capital Venture Strategic Company

We Do Business in Mongolia's market and help grow globalization in and out of Mongolia.

GMNI Fund LLC is a Business Consulting and Entrepreneurship Company, registered by law in the state of Mongolia. The company provides consulting services to small, medium companies and corporates in Mongolia's growing market, and corporates from abroad who look to do business in Mongolia.

We Cover Business domains fields among it:

High-tech ♦ Start-Up's ♦ Bio-Tech ♦ Medical services ♦ Logistics ♦ Warehousing ♦ Aviation ♦ Transportation ♦ Energy ♦ Agriculture ♦ Agri-tech ♦ wholesale and food.

We operate as a trust capital company - that manages stakeholder and shareholder investing by Third-party factors as the financial management and control team.

Our services include:

• Strategic management services & consulting

• Redefining business processes and strategies

• Rehabilitation of projects and business units

• Financial analytic and debt analysis to improve efficiency and reduce administrative costs.

"An Enigma is a temporary mirage" --NJP


Get a Free Business structure planner today - Edit your ideas

Our Canvas Model will help you to work on your new business ideas analysing and evaluating the probability of success - Click on the link - for the word file


We aim to create a genuine impact on the business markets, on our shareholders, and the companies stakeholders. Our build-out venture capital database shows our impressive experience in promoting a strong business investment methodology that defines qualities, risks, and strategy points.

Business opportunity planner

Our venture capital database concentrates on developing markets and prospects. This methodology is the asset of our existence improving goods development.

Partnering and Trust program

We have a variety of Investment portfolio that consolidates profit, market sustainability, and development opportunities. By striking the right targets with us as a partner, we guarantee profit achievement and future improvement of the selected project.

Risk Management Assurance

Every venture has a solid quality ground, our experience and knowledge in the market is what makes us unique and uncover the genuine risk speculation to bring the right estimation of opportunities.

GMNI Fund LLC is also an Entrepreneur and creates a business diversity and development of retail wholesale services needed in the market. As such, we work in strategic cooperation and conduct in-depth market research to identify segmented and niche markets to offer possible business development.

We provide Invest in Mongolia Guidelines; Mongolian Asset Management & Holdings

We are your Venture Capital Fund -in Mongolia

Think Global, Act Private

Our venture portfolio concentrates on three unique territories: Solid investments, flexible investments, and Start-Up Innovation. Our methodology is successfully executing on each of these domains. Our premise is inputting the right human resources, top-level administrators, and experts into the right positions on each organization or project. This methodology gives us success in any project we do.

World Bank "Doing Business" in Mongolia 2020 Report

Ranked high "Economy Profile Mongolia 2020" report (click to read)


Becoming overnight an interesting and influential player on the global markets; Must of Mongolia business land-scape would have to change, develop to meet global standards, in order to gain investments and become a strong player in the global economic markets, especially after the epidemic period Covid-19. In the fields like minerals mining, agriculture, bio-based, and ECO solutions, along with the most advanced start-ups in the Asia Pacific region need to put efforts the build trust and collect international investments.

With exciting investment opportunities currently available in Mongolia, With more than billions of USD already committed for mining and infrastructure projects, Mongolia remains a good frontier for investors to benefit from continual and rapid growth, but, only by working with a trusty company that can lead them from facing unfamiliar risks. Like US, Contact us if your a potential investor looking exploring new unfamiliar markets.


Our vision at GMNI Training is to create a benchmark knowledge that will help people in search of new opportunities, and careers. Here is an example of what we share.

Simon Sinek the golden circle approach

Every good strategist starts with WHAT he does well, or if it's a start-up stage of the business what he should do.

I got to learn about a marketing strategist, coacher, and writer, Mr. Simon Sinek through an acquaintance, a colleague, that introduce me to his book and some lectures, I found his theory simple schematic strategic model, but important. It's not new to me, I just like the way it was introduced. Here I share it with you, and encourage you, as business owners or entrepreneurs read his book "Start with the why" I present his model here, it called "The golden circle", and it has the ability to simplify to people the way they see their way to success or to build a business.

Just start with the WHY, everyone knows WHAT you do, just they don't know is why you do what you do, (people like to buy the why, not the what). Example: "We build our school to encourage learning among youth, that wasted on computer games without finding their focus, we encourage learning through the use of gaming that encourages action and research that we developed"


We developed the tools and the curriculum, we do it with training the teacher to become well aware and developed with the skills needed to educate through the gaming we developed and earning their and the consumer's feedback to analyze and evaluate for the good of our education tactic in the future.


We educate kids and provide a unique learning experience, Would you care to try?

Investment Holistic Approach

We believe that the best ideas are meant to solve a domestic and world’s problems that can come from AAA (Anyone, Anywhere, & Anytime).

We always look to fund innovations that focused on the needs of developing Environmental and Social Projects, but, we try to promote it to domestic and/or foreign investors.

We analyze all kinds of business investment opportunities.

Affordable Asset Investment

Find out how our investment portfolios with low or medium risk investment opportunities may help you and/or your clients to access this developing market themes that shapes Mongolia's variable horizon.

Our Investment owners can invest in any sector but we look forward to relevant development projects with a commitment to improving the lives of people in need.

What are you waiting for, let's START today


GMNI Runs an investment platform to help Mongolian businesses to fit a global standard or a mass investment capital raise



Targeted market in a growth phase improves your sale odds. Consumer confidence and spendings are likely to be higher than other markets providing demand-driven growth. This is a great opportunity for your businesses to offer your products in An Emerging Market With Booming Growth. When you do business in Asia, you are more likely to be profitable in a growth phase.



Bringing a better tomorrow

Creating a better chance



We at GMNI are leading complex, multi-purpose, and significant projects located at the main points in the major cities in and around Mongolia. These projects will reshape and redesign city centers, which will attract residents, business people, tourists and spend all day with the creation of lively urban areas. We will also ensure the creation of new space work environments, and provide opportunities for investment and profit growth in these projects. GMNI serves as the active managing spirit of these projects and responsible for the management and planning of projects in all their aspects, from planning and bureaucratic procedures to choosing the right concept for each compound, plant, and project.

Affordable Housing

Our group of companies and the GMNI Investment Fund have set as their goal the transformation of old factories and activity centers into advanced, sustainable, and environmentally friendly activities while encouraging community innovation Which combines the community and its needs for leisure and recreation, along with economic improvement, and better social status.


Our group of consulting companies, together with GMNI Fund encourages business investments in Mongolia, in the fields of mining, construction, recreation, high-tech, agriculture, recycling, energy, and more. One of our goals in these investments is to increase employment in a region far from work centers to help the community in these places and to develop low-cost housing and help promote the status of the population and its education.

Our Commitment

GMNI Fund is committed to a social responsibility and transparent projects and solutions
with highest potential to support and improve people lives.

What we do

  • We create investment criteria and process policy,

  • We set clear expectations on timelines, milestones of any investment and strategy,

  • We monitor, supervise, and manage our investing clearly,

  • We hold vast knowledge base, Important in grow your business for success;