5 ways approach for Delivering Truthful Business Plan to Impress any Investors

Share with people the significant plan of your new idea or new approaches, it is a good start to promote it, but if you create a business profile, map the risks of your business plan in multiple formats, it will really encourage and engage with the investor approach.

By Jonathan Passi - Founder and CEO, GMNI F.

Sharing and working with aspiring and motivated entrepreneurs, and/or successful business managers can help a lot to let more people see the bigger picture. those who struggle with the idea of putting the right numbers together in some business plan, often point out that there are those who started a business without any written documents especially business plans at all but still was able to recruit capital. they are not so wrong, but it is a slight miss understanding of the importance of data reviling.

There is a world business investors discipline, that documenting the right business plans will improve your likelihood of matching all the right issues, as well as finding the right partner or investors.

It's no secret that the rate of failure of new business and startups may be a high as ninety percent, so, we all need the help we can get, validating the opportunity, clear positioning against competitors, projecting your right financial abilities, and planning marketing and operating activities, are your key elements to reach your goals.

I recommend the following to keep you on a winning track:

1. Create a new business overview brochure.

Starting a new business starts with the viability and specifics of your idea. Making a presentation by waving your arms doesn't do it. Most people will be engaged by a single-page double-sided executive summary to move forward.

Whether you are looking for partners, investors, or future customers, you need to show a level of professionalism and leadership very early that will draw and attract people to your new idea. It can pay big at this stage to get professional help from an experienced business advisor/Consultant.

2. A two-minute video highlighting and draw your idea and you, in the right colors.

Even people who read will be impressed by a simple video clip, as an introduction. Showing your passion and commitment, and highlighting your business focus and direction. Be sure to net out the opportunity and the solution in the first thirty seconds. Make it light, but factual.

3. PowerPoint pitch for investors and/or partners.

That is especially important if you intend to attract outside investors or strategic partners. put the effort into presenting it the right way. In my experience as an investor, the perfect pitch is 10-14 slides, outlining the business problems, the solution, opportunity sizing, competition, and financial projections for the next 5 years.

Remember, investors are interested in acquiring a piece of your business, so keep the focus on the attractiveness of the company, rather than the product. Make sure you can cover all the material in as little as ten minutes - investors are easily bored.

4. Prepare a 20-pages document business plan.

No matter how much you enjoy talking, you don't have time to reach all the people who need to know it, with the right level of details. This document must cover all the content discussed earlier, with details to make it come alive without talking in order to fill in the gaps. If you are an entrepreneur who doesn't feel comfortable writing, there are many investment attorneys and independent contractors who are available to help you for a fee.

5. Validate your financial assumptions with an investment model or business model.

Start with creating a simple Excel spreadsheet with your projections of revenue, cost, and other major financial elements over the first five years of your new business. You will likely need this deep research to do by your work frame to properly answer potential questions, and test your own assumptions. The real objective here is to convince both you and potential investors that the business is financially viable and lucrative over the long term. There are plenty of guidelines and sample models available on the Internet, so don't be intimidated.

While the completion of all of these items entails a lot of work and energy, I assure you from experience that the results are worth it, to minimize the probability of serious business failure and bitter disappointment, and loss of confidence from people who believe in you.

In my years of work with new businesses or rehabilitate failed projects, I learned very fast that having the idea is the easiest part, but the real issue to learn is if you understand if it going get ultimate success or failure in the execution process.

If you want to stand out above the crowd, my advice is to focus early on all these 5 elements outlined here for your business plan. in that way, you will enjoy the fruits of your labor for many years.


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