Agriculture & More


Agro Business & Agritech

Agri-Tech Innovation - AgriConsulting Services

We Can define a solution to any of your Farming or Business Needs

iAGRO - AgriTech Innovation offers a wide range of consulting services with the necessary tools and expertise to help grow your business. We partner with our clients from start to finish, focusing on their needs while producing new ideas, developing effective strategies and designing high quality and scalable solutions. Contact us to learn more.


Bring new concept to Mongolia markets

Your success - our knowledge

Mongolia agriculture equipment online shop

Products and expertise

On mobile monitoring apps

Climate Monitoring, analysis, and report: temperature, light, wind, rain, humidity, UV, leaf diseases. Integrated pest management & monitoring systems, Insects, and diseases.

Soil Moisture & Quality measurement, Soil Measures

Nutrient Management, Nutrient, pH, EC, and nitrogen meters

Seeds and Seedlings

Import high value seeds that best suits to mongolia seasions and climate. Bringing commitment, support, and expertise, combined with rich experience in various parts of the world. Importer and marketing of seed varieties in a wide range of vegetable crops in Mongolia.

Seedling by order

Pesticides and Fertilizers

Focuses on Pesticides and Fertilizers which has the ability to enhance plant growth when applied in required amounts, and supply the knowledge the farmer/agronomist needed. over-applied fertilizers can increase disease problems. we classified according to eco nutrient (e.g., K, P, N), "straight fertilizers'' and pesticides. we escort and provide knowledge.

Agrotech & Agritech Equipment Distributors

The agriculture and food industry in Mongolia is poised for tremendous growth, increasing its contribution to the domestic food trade and reducing the need for import of agricultural commodities from abroad, we provide quality agricultural equipment, work in collaboration with the best producers in the world and are ready to provide the best prices.

iAGRO - Retail/Wholesale official & Exclusive Distributer

We represent as an exclusive distributor in Mongolia of the best manufacturers and developers in the world, among them technology and solutions developed by Israeli based companies.

Israel has become a world leader in agriculture techniques, technology, bio-solution, and knowledge. Food security is a critical concern as the global population expands and natural resources dwindle. Smart solutions for more efficient farming, hardier crops, alternative sources of nutrition, and safer food packaging and storage are essential.

No other single country as ISRAEL – has contributed more breakthroughs to this area than Israel. so if you want to learn how to profit from your farming, ask the experts.

300k Agri-Event Service

An Event Management tool that provides Online Consulting Service everywhere in Mongolia, as long as there is ability to connect with social services in the internet

iAGRO - Retail/Wholesale Exclusive Distribution

We represent as an exclusive distributor in Mongolia of the best manufacturers and developers in the world, among them technology and solutions developed by Israeli based companies.

Israel has become a world leader in agriculture techniques, technology, bio-solution, and knowledge. Food security is a critical concern as the global population expands and natural resources dwindle. Smart solutions for more efficient farming, hardier crops, alternative sources of nutrition, and safer food packaging and storage are essential.

No other single country as ISRAEL – has contributed more breakthroughs to this area than Israel. so if you want to learn how to profit from your farming, ask the experts.


- SOON -


The advanced Spectrum Technologies inc.

Equipment for precise agriculture, vast yield, sensors, and farm management application - high technology Agrotech.

We are the official distributor in Mongolia and can arrange for you the solutions you need, call today.


  • - SOON -