Lesson 2: China's Communism

How and why does Mao's communism differ from other forms of communism?

  • Five-Year Plan

  • Hundred Flowers Campaign

  • Great Leap Forward

  • Cultural Revolution

Click or tap the icon for the reading.

"Cultural Revolution"

Document Analysis

In Team Drive, use the comment tool to indicate the main idea of the document and any potential common themes among the documents. Highlight the part of the document to which the comment relates.

china tentieth century dbq.pdf


Your task is to make something to inform the world about China's Communist Revolution and how it impacts the liberties of its citizens today.

Content types to include: map, statistics, photograph, cartoon all with analysis.

Terms to include: Include the following people and events: Nationalists, Sun Yat Sen, Mao Zedong, Communists, long March, Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution, Beijing Spring, Censorship

You can use ...

  • Google Drawing

  • Piktochart

  • Canva

  • Other

Poster Project Rubric