Lesson 1: Challenging Authority

What conditions lead people to challenge authority?

The advent of new printing technology meant more books at a lower cost to produce. What this means for the spread of information and increase in literacy poses a threat to the power structures of the 15th Century.

Historical Reasoning

The following statements are not in order. Use the whiteboard to organize the statements. Be able to explain your reasoning.

  • New inventions, more exploration, new jobs, etc. 📡

  • People think beyond what they're told to think 🧭

  • More people can read 👀

  • More access to books 📖

  • New ideas about how to live and thrive in the world 🌐

  • More original thoughts 🤔

The Catholic Church convened the Council of Trent in 1545 to stop the spread of Protestantism and to revive the Catholic Church. The council decreed that only the Catholic Church could interpret the Bible and established the Holy Office of the Roman Inquisition to persecute heretics. A heretic is someone whose beliefs go against the Church’s official beliefs.

Click or tap the icon for the reading.

"Galileo Galilei"

Answer the questions provided in class or on classroom.

In 1615, The Church warned Galileo to stop teaching the heliocentric model. In 1616, the Church banned the works of Copernicus and others that supported heliocentrism. Galileo continued to write and publish ideas about his theory. Pope Urban VIII told Galileo he could discuss Copernicus’s theory, as long as he didn’t say it was absolutely true. His 1632 book, Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, came too close to arguing the theory was true, and he was brought before the Inquisition as a heretic the following year.

Scientific Method

Applying the scientific method to solve problems was contrary to learning about nature according to biblical interpretation. This shift in the way people learn about the nature of things challenged the source of the Church's authority.

If we didn't have the scientific knowledge about the nature of the Sun, Moon, and Earth, would you think the Sun revolves around Earth?

Galileo Facing Roman Inquisition, painted in 1857

Source Analysis

Make a doc in the shared drive folder titled "Galileo."

Galileo's Letter PDF

  1. According to Galileo, why do some people think his teachings are heretical?

  2. How does Galileo defend himself against these charges?

Cardinal Bellarmine PDF

  1. Explain two reasons Cardinal Bellarmine gave for believing the geocentric theory.

  2. Why do you think the Catholic Church was so committed to defending the literal meaning of the Bible passages?

New York Times PDF

  1. Why did Pope John Paul say the Church’s treatment of Galileo was wrong?

  2. Why was it easier for the Church to side with Galileo in 1992 than in 1633?

The Plague

Read the article about the impact of plagues on society and government.

How might a plague lead people to question authority?

14th Century Plague and Changing Politics.pdf

Assignment (see Google Classroom)

What conditions lead people to challenge authority?

Write a paragraph response to this question. Use at least three examples to support your claim. Include a counter argument strengthen your position. You could do this by claiming that certain conditions were more significant than others.