Vent Window Air Flow Lock Reviews

I got my window locks recently and got a chance to test them last weekend on a 200 mile plus trip with temps in the mid to high 80's. They really made a significant difference. I have tried using other "props" in order get the vent windows to stay wide open at cruising speeds, but nothing worked very well. These are easy to use and once locked, the windows don't move.

Great product.

Bob L

Installed mine and they work great.

Gary M.

Just installed the clips on both cars... These things are great!!! like the vents scooping air into the GT in the summer to keep things cool.

Keith W.

Installed my vent window locks on the GT today. Took all of 15 seconds. They work great. Awesome product.

Dave K.

Installed them Tuesday in my GT and used them yesterday. They work great and make the GT cabin much more bearable on a hot day. Will be ordering some for my roadster for too-warm Fall days with the hardtop installed.

Jim D.

Brilliant!!! These small quarter light windows do direct a significant amount of airflow into the hot BGT cockpit. However, I have long lamented the way that I could never find a way to keep them forced open enough. Simple, and elegant solution. Can't wait to install them.

Keep up the great work! Another successful MGB cottage business. Love it!


Just to let you know, I just ordered another set as a gift. What a great product!


Used mine on the way home from Townsend, TN. They work great!

Carl F

I also recently bought the vent window locks. Two sets in fact. One for the '79 Roadster and one for my '69 GT. Both work great and only seconds to install, well slide in place. They really help the airflow in the GT which is most welcome.

They also look good in that they are hardly noticeable. A no brainer purchase.

Rusty P

There is now a version for the earlier style curved quarter window lock lever. I received my two lever extensions (locks) in the post yesterday; a big thanks to Bob (joe mamma) White for his help in supplying an early type quarter window to Jim to work off, and to also then post my locks to me.

I popped them on last night (1965 MGB Mk I) and drove to work with them today.

As everybody else has found, they work really well, and will make traveling in warmer weather much more comfortable.

It's unfortunate that with the earlier lever's curved shape an additional means of securing the lock onto the lever is required. The short bungee cord loop Jim has incorporated makes for a somewhat less elegant addition than Jim has been able to achieve with the lock for the later lever, but I can't see a better solution, and Jim is clearly a pretty smart guy.

After nearly 49 years of holding that dammed quarter window open by hand, life is suddenly going to be a whole lot better!

Thomas A

I finally got a chance to try my new locks! Works great on my 74 BGT. Looking forward to trying out the early set on my 63 MGB. Its just buried in the corner of the garage right now. GREAT product !!!!!

Bob W