Healthy Lifestyle Tips

Sleep Recommendations for School Aged Kids:

Should my child stay home from School???

Runny nose: This may be due to an allergy or cold. Unless there is a fever present, your child may come to school. For fever or colored mucous, you may want to talk to your doctor.

Cough or Cold: These can lead to, or indicate, more serious infections such as bronchitis or pneumonia. If your child is not acting his/her normal self, has a fever, or has difficulty breathing, check with you doctor. If no fever is present and you feel it is a mild cold, your child may come to school. Please instruct them to wash their hands frequently, use their sleeve to cough, and drink plenty of fluids.

Diarrhea or vomiting: If you child has these symptoms, they should not come to school. This can be very contagious. You should monitor for signs of dehydration and consult with your doctor. Your child may return to school if there hasn’t been an episode of either for at least 24 hours.

Fever: For any temperature over 100.0 degrees, your child is considered contagious. Your child needs to be fever free for 24 hours without the use of Tylenol or Ibuprofen.

Sore throat: These can accompany a cold or indicate a more serious infection such as strep or mono. If your child has difficulty swallowing consult with your doctor. If a strep infection is found, please notify the school and keep your child home from school for at least 24 hours after starting antibiotics.

Pink Eye: Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctivae, which are the mucous membranes covering the white of the eyes and the inner side of the eyelids. It usually affects both eyes at the same time although it may start in one eye and spread to the other after a day or two. It may be asymmetrical, affecting one eye more than the other. There are many causes and the treatment will depend upon the cause. If you notice your child wakes up with red, itchy, or gunk filled eyes, make an appointment with your provider. Your child may return once on drops after 24 hours.

Be aware of these common Flu (Influenza) symptoms:

I. Fever: fever is usually present in up to 80% of Flu cases. A temperature of 100 degrees or higher for 3 or 4 days is common. REMEMBER- your child must be fever free without the help of medications for 24 hours before returning back to school.

II. Headache body aches, or chills are common with the Flu

III. Fatigue: fatigue is moderate to severe with the Flu. Adequate rest will help your body fight off the bug.

IV. Cough: A non-productive (no mucous) cough is usually present with the Flu

Note: a stuffy nose and sore throat are not commonly present when you have the flu. These can be caused by other viruses.

The top five most virus-contaminated areas in the home are:

1. Telephones (have you cleaned your cell phone lately)

2. Appliances such as the refrigerator and microwave

3. Faucets

4. Light switch and door handles

5. TV remotes

Follow good health guidelines: eat right, exercise, and get plenty of rest to help boost your immunity to fight the effects of colds and flu. Wash hands frequently, do the elbow cough, and disinfect hot spots at school, work, and home. Treat the symptoms if you must, but avoid giving aspirin to children because it may cause a rare but serious illness called Reye syndrome