
This was Mansfield Mechanics United's fifth year! We had a young team this year with lots of new members joining us. A majority of the early part of our season was spent learning about our materials, electronics, code, and controls. A successful fundraising campaign allowed us to expand our inventory of parts so that we had multiple prototyping platforms to work with, and we tried a number of solutions to this challenge on the way to our final design. Although some of our components are still in need of refinement, there is no question that we have all learned a great deal about teamwork and building robots.

This year we kept our largest team ever with 15 people! Our young team learned the ropes in the beginning of our season but was moving quickly by the end. As we lost most of our code team from last year, there was a big push to increase the number of coders we had. Everyone worked on hardware but we all learned something new! Each team member can be attributed to a different part of our robot and how it works.

This was our fifth year as a team. We were able to park under the bridge at the beginning of each match. A lack of time meant we weren't able to successfully stack blocks on the platform but we could pick them up quite well! This robot added gearboxes to each of our four wheels to increase the overall speed of our robot from last year. During endgame we were also able to park in the building zone. One major challenge this year was the height requirement of 14" to be able to fit under the alliance specific bridges.

Find our team in matches throughout this video at the following times:

1h 5m

2h 55m

3h 10m

4h 24m ** Be aware that there are no labels of the teams at this time

4h 42m