Mansfield Mechanics United

FTC #10899

We are Mansfield Mechanics United, which is Mount Mansfield Union High School’s FIRST Robotics team #10899. The FIRST Robotics program is a worldwide organization that supports students in developing engineering, problem-solving, and teamwork skills. 

More information can be found at

We are a group of students interested in pursuing engineering, programming, and technology fields beyond High School and FIRST is giving us experience in those areas. Our team has entered the Vermont Regional FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) competition for the last seven years and we hope to engage in more events in the coming year, including out of state scrimmages. 

We currently receive funding from the school to cover annual registration fees and we have a good supply of building parts, electronics, and materials. Each year we are given a new challenge which may require us to purchase new sensors, wheels, motors, switches, and other accessories in order to compete at a higher level. We also purchase practice kits each year which will help us simulate competition conditions. 

The FIRST organization encourages teams to establish partnerships with local businesses interested in fostering the goals of FIRST. FIRST teams proudly display sponsor logos on their robots and T-shirts and we would be happy to provide specific details about how contributions by these organizations are used by our team. Sponsorships help show the support the organization has in STEAM education, the goals of FIRST and Mount Mansfield Union High School. 

2022-2023   -   Our latest robot!








Contact us!


Mount Mansfield Union High School - Room 404

211 Browns Trace Rd, Jericho, VT 05465