
This was Mansfield Mechanics United's second year, with four members who participated in FTC last year. We started out in the 2015-2016 season as a bunch of guys who wanted a reason to build a robot. After some reaching out to UTC Aerospace for a grant, we ordered the parts to start our robot build. This was a huge success and inspired us to go bigger and better in the 2016-2017 year. The FTC challenge is what makes our small group of engineers proud. The amount of effort that was put in by these 6 boys was tremendous and we looked forward to continued growth in the coming years.

This was our team for the 2016-2017 year. We had a pretty even number for the lower three grade levels this year.

This robot took us through our second year of competition. This robot taught us how to build individual components separately and then compile them into one robot. We continue to use this method and have every year since 2016.

Find our team in matches throughout this video at the following times:

3h 4m

3h 46m ** Be aware that the labels of the teams at this time in this video are incorrect.

5h 18m ** Be aware that the labels of the teams at this time in this video are incorrect.

5h 52m

6h 44m